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                             86 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A cardiorespiratory classifier of voluntary and involuntary electrodermal activity Blain, Stefanie
9 1 artikel
2 A feasibility study of altered spatial distribution of losses induced by eddy currents in body composition analysis Blomqvist, Kim H
9 1 artikel
3 An adaptation model for trabecular bone at different mechanical levels Gong, He
9 1 artikel
4 An experimental and numerical study of the flow and mass transfer in a model of the wearable artificial kidney dialyzer Rambod, Edmond
9 1 artikel
5 An investigation of patterns in hemodynamic data indicative of impending hypotension in intensive care Lee, Joon
9 1 artikel
6 A novel method for blood vessel detection from retinal images Xu, Lili
9 1 artikel
7 A portable automatic cough analyser in the ambulatory assessment of cough Krajnik, Malgorzata
9 1 artikel
8 A probabilistic cell model in background corrected image sequences for single cell analysis Kachouie, Nezamoddin N
9 1 artikel
9 A rolling-gliding wear simulator for the investigation of tribological material pairings for application in total knee arthroplasty Richter, Berna I
9 1 artikel
10 A statistical model for multidimensional irreversible electroporation cell death in tissue Golberg, Alex
9 1 artikel
11 A theoretical model of the application of RF energy to the airway wall and its experimental validation Jarrard, Jerry
9 1 artikel
12 Atomic force microscopy in vitro study of surface roughness and fractal character of a dental restoration composite after air-polishing Salerno, Marco
9 1 artikel
13 Automatic segmentation of coronary angiograms based on fuzzy inferring and probabilistic tracking Shoujun, Zhou
9 1 artikel
14 Behavior of a viscoelastic valveless pump: a simple theory with experimental validation Babbs, Charles F
9 1 artikel
15 Biomedical engineering meets acupuncture - development of a miniaturized 48-channel skin impedance measurement system for needle and laser acupuncture Litscher, Gerhard
9 1 artikel
16 Bulk elastic properties of chicken embryos during somitogenesis Agero, Ubirajara
9 1 artikel
17 Cardiac output estimation using pulmonary mechanics in mechanically ventilated patients Sundaresan, Ashwath
9 1 artikel
18 Categorizing and comparing psychophysical detection strategies based on biomechanical responses to short postural perturbations Bhatkar, Viprali V
9 1 artikel
19 Classification of root canal microorganisms using electronic-nose and discriminant analysis Aksebzeci, Bekir H
9 1 artikel
20 Classification of videocapsule endoscopy image patterns: comparative analysis between patients with celiac disease and normal individuals Ciaccio, Edward J
9 1 artikel
21 Computational assessment of the effects of a pulsatile pump on toxin removal in blood purification Lim, Ki Moo
9 1 artikel
22 Control of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) for small animal ventilators Giannella-Neto, Antonio
9 1 artikel
23 Data-guide for brain deformation in surgery: comparison of linear and nonlinear models Hamidian, Hajar
9 1 artikel
24 Decoding hand movement velocity from electroencephalogram signals during a drawing task Lv, Jun
9 1 artikel
25 Design and technical construction of a tactile display for sensory feedback in a hand prosthesis system Antfolk, Christian
9 1 artikel
26 Designing and testing scene enhancement algorithms for patients with retina degenerative disorders Al-Atabany, Walid I
9 1 artikel
27 Design of splints based on the NiTi alloy for the correction of joint deformities in the fingers Puértolas, Sergio
9 1 artikel
28 Effective radiation attenuation calibration for breast density: compression thickness influences and correction Heine, John J
9 1 artikel
29 Effect of 3D-scaffold formation on differentiation and survival in human neural progenitor cells Ortinau, Stefanie
9 1 artikel
30 Effect of slice thickness on brain magnetic resonance image texture analysis Savio, Sami J
9 1 artikel
31 Effects of heliox as carrier gas on ventilation and oxygenation in an animal model of piston-type HFOV: a crossover experimental study Zeynalov, Bakhtiyar
9 1 artikel
32 Effects of liquid stimuli on dual-axis swallowing accelerometry signals in a healthy population Lee, Joon
9 1 artikel
33 Evaluation of EMG processing techniques using Information Theory Farfán, Fernando D
9 1 artikel
34 Evaluation of the diagnostic performance of infrared imaging of the breast: a preliminary study Wang, Jane
9 1 artikel
35 Evaluation of the soft tissue biocompatibility of MgCa0.8 and surgical steel 316L in vivo: a comparative study in rabbits Erdmann, Nina
9 1 artikel
36 Experimental validation of convection-diffusion discretisation scheme employed for computational modelling of biological mass transport Carroll, Gráinne T
9 1 artikel
37 Extraction of single-trial cortical beta oscillatory activities in EEG signals using empirical mode decomposition Yeh, Chia-Lung
9 1 artikel
38 Extraction of user's navigation commands from upper body force interaction in walker assisted gait Frizera Neto, Anselmo
9 1 artikel
39 Factors that affect mass transport from drug eluting stents into the artery wall O'Connell, Barry M
9 1 artikel
40 Head and neck lymph node region delineation with image registration Teng, Chia-Chi
9 1 artikel
41 Honoring Leslie A. Geddes - Farewell ... Valentinuzzi, Max E
9 1 artikel
42 Image reconstruction of fluorescent molecular tomography based on the tree structured Schur complement decomposition Zou, Wei
9 1 artikel
43 Image resizing using saliency strength map and seam carving for white blood cell analysis Ko, ByoungChul
9 1 artikel
44 Improved content aware scene retargeting for retinitis pigmentosa patients Al-Atabany, Walid I
9 1 artikel
45 Improving the accuracy of a solid spherical source radius and depth estimation using the diffusion equation in fluorescence reflectance mode Hejazi, Marjaneh
9 1 artikel
46 Influence of inverse dynamics methods on the calculation of inter-segmental moments in vertical jumping and weightlifting Cleather, Daniel J
9 1 artikel
47 Influence of nanofibers on growth and gene expression of human tendon derived fibroblast Theisen, Christina
9 1 artikel
48 Influence of opacifiers on dimensional stability and detail reproduction of maxillofacial silicone elastomer Goiato, Marcelo C
9 1 artikel
49 In silico evaluation of a control system and algorithm for automated insulin infusion in the ICU setting Ortiz, José L
9 1 artikel
50 Intraplaque hemorrhage is associated with higher structural stresses in human atherosclerotic plaques: an in vivo MRI-based 3d fluid-structure interaction study Huang, Xueying
9 1 artikel
51 In vivo assessment of the impedance ratio method used in electronic foramen locators Rambo, Marcos VH
9 1 artikel
52 Kalman estimator- and general linear model-based on-line brain activation mapping by near-infrared spectroscopy Hu, Xiao-Su
9 1 artikel
53 Measurement of intrinsic optical backscattering characteristics of cells using fiber-guided near infrared light Hsu, Ching-Huang
9 1 artikel
54 Motion artifact cancellation in NIR spectroscopy using discrete Kalman filtering Izzetoglu, Meltem
9 1 artikel
55 Neural set point for the control of arterial pressure: role of the nucleus tractus solitarius Zanutto, B Silvano
9 1 artikel
56 Neuroendocrinology and its Quantitative Development: A Bioengineering View Valentinuzzi, Max E
9 1 artikel
57 Non-rigid registration of breast surfaces using the laplace and diffusion equations Ong, Rowena E
9 1 artikel
58 Non-viral eNOS gene delivery and transfection with stents for the treatment of restenosis Brito, Luis A
9 1 artikel
59 Numerical optimization of gene electrotransfer into muscle tissue Zupanic, Anze
9 1 artikel
60 OpenMEEG: opensource software for quasistatic bioelectromagnetics Gramfort, Alexandre
9 1 artikel
61 Peak and averaged bicoherence for different EEG patterns during general anaesthesia Pritchett, Stacey
9 1 artikel
62 Photochemical tissue bonding with chitosan adhesive films Lauto, Antonio
9 1 artikel
63 Predicting effects of blood flow rate and size of vessels in a vasculature on hyperthermia treatments using computer simulation Huang, Huang-Wen
9 1 artikel
64 Quantitative analysis of sensor for pressure waveform measurement Liu, Shing-Hong
9 1 artikel
65 Quantitative pinch stimulator for exploring evoked nociceptive responses: A pilot study Chen, Chih-Ping
9 1 artikel
66 Reduction of CPR artifacts in the ventricular fibrillation ECG by coherent line removal Amann, Anton
9 1 artikel
67 Review of "Cancer Nanotechnology: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)" by Stephen R. Grobmyer (Editor), Brij M. Moudgil (Editor) Steinmetz, Nicole F
9 1 artikel
68 Review of Handbook of Physics in Medicine and Biology, edited by Robert Splinter Dotsinsky, Ivan A
9 1 artikel
69 Review of three Recent Books on the Boundary of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Bullinger, Eric
9 1 artikel
70 Robust Peak Recognition in Intracranial Pressure Signals Scalzo, Fabien
9 1 artikel
71 Scale-adaptive surface modeling of vascular structures Wu, Jianhuang
9 1 artikel
72 Semi-automatic algorithm for construction of the left ventricular area variation curve over a complete cardiac cycle Melo, Salvador A
9 1 artikel
73 Sensor to detect endothelialization on an active coronary stent Musick, Katherine M
9 1 artikel
74 Sequential algorithm for life threatening cardiac pathologies detection based on mean signal strength and EMD functions Anas, Emran M Abu
9 1 artikel
75 Sleep stage and obstructive apneaic epoch classification using single-lead ECG Yılmaz, Bülent
9 1 artikel
76 Spatial temperature distribution in human hairy and glabrous skin after infrared CO2 laser radiation Frahm, Ken S
9 1 artikel
77 Study of bone remodeling of two models of femoral cementless stems by means of DEXA and finite elements Gracia, Luis
9 1 artikel
78 Surface EMG pattern recognition for real-time control of a wrist exoskeleton Khokhar, Zeeshan O
9 1 artikel
79 The approximate entropy of the electromyographic signals of tremor correlates with the osmotic fragility of human erythrocytes Mansur, Paulo HG
9 1 artikel
80 The effect of accelerometer location on the classification of single-site forearm mechanomyograms Alves, Natasha
9 1 artikel
81 Towards the creation of decellularized organ constructs using irreversible electroporation and active mechanical perfusion Sano, Michael B
9 1 artikel
82 Towards treatment planning and treatment of deep-seated solid tumors by electrochemotherapy Miklavcic, Damijan
9 1 artikel
83 Using dynamic pupillometry as a simple screening tool to detect autonomic neuropathy in patients with diabetes: a pilot study Ferrari, Giselle L
9 1 artikel
84 Validating an infrared thermal switch as a novel access technology Memarian, Negar
9 1 artikel
85 Validation of a model-based virtual trials method for tight glycemic control in intensive care Chase, J Geoffrey
9 1 artikel
86 Which is the best method of sterilization of tumour bone for reimplantation? a biomechanical and histopathological study Singh, Vivek Ajit
9 1 artikel
                             86 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland