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                             111 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A color spectrographic phonocardiography (CSP) applied to the detection and characterization of heart murmurs: preliminary results Sarbandi, Reza Ramezani
10 1 artikel
2 A compressed sensing-based iterative algorithm for CT reconstruction and its possible application to phase contrast imaging Li, Xueli
10 1 artikel
3 A computational model study of the influence of the anatomy of the circle of willis on cerebral hyperperfusion following carotid artery surgery Liang, Fuyou
10 1 artikel
4 A 3D Freehand Ultrasound System for Multi-view Reconstructions from Sparse 2D Scanning Planes Yu, Honggang
10 1 artikel
5 A dual adaptive watermarking scheme in contourlet domain for DICOM images Rahimi, Farhad
10 1 artikel
6 A feasibility study for the provision of electronic healthcare tools and services in areas of Greece, Cyprus and Italy Mougiakakou, Stavroula G
10 1 artikel
7 A framework for automatic heart sound analysis without segmentation Yuenyong, Sumeth
10 1 artikel
8 A fully-automatic caudate nucleus segmentation of brain MRI: Application in volumetric analysis of pediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Igual, Laura
10 1 artikel
9 A fuzzy model for processing and monitoring vital signs in ICU patients Leite, Cicília RM
10 1 artikel
10 A graphical method for practical and informative identifiability analyses of physiological models: A case study of insulin kinetics and sensitivity Docherty, Paul D
10 1 artikel
11 A graphical simulation software for instruction in cardiovascular mechanics physiology Wildhaber, Reto A
10 1 artikel
12 Algorithm for Video Summarization of Bronchoscopy Procedures Leszczuk, Mikołaj I
10 1 artikel
13 Alternative communication systems for people with severe motor disabilities: a survey Pinheiro, Carlos G
10 1 artikel
14 Analysis of coronary angiography related psychophysiological responses Okkesim, Şükrü
10 1 artikel
15 Analysis of impulse oscillometric measures of lung function and respiratory system model parameters in small airway-impaired and healthy children over a 2-year period Meraz, Erika G
10 1 artikel
16 Analysis of impulse oscillometric measures of lung function and respiratory system model parameters in small airway-impaired and healthy children over a 2-year period Meraz, Erika G
10 1 artikel
17 Analysis of induced electrical currents from magnetic field coupling inside implantable neurostimulator leads Pantchenko, Oxana S
10 1 artikel
18 Analytical and numerical solutions of the potential and electric field generated by different electrode arrays in a tumor tissue under electrotherapy Bergues Pupo, Ana E
10 1 artikel
19 An arrhythmia classification algorithm using a dedicated wavelet adapted to different subjects Kim, Jinkwon
10 1 artikel
20 An artifacts removal post-processing for epiphyseal region-of-interest (EROI) localization in automated bone age assessment (BAA) Chai, Hum Yan
10 1 artikel
21 An automated and simple method for brain MR image extraction Zhang, Haiyan
10 1 artikel
22 A new transform for the analysis of complex fractionated atrial electrograms Ciaccio, Edward J
10 1 artikel
23 An integrative pharmacological approach to radio telemetry and blood sampling in pharmaceutical drug discovery and safety assessment Litwin, Dennis C
10 1 artikel
24 A novel technique for fetal heart rate estimation from Doppler ultrasound signal Jezewski, Janusz
10 1 artikel
25 Antepartum fetal heart rate feature extraction and classification using empirical mode decomposition and support vector machine Krupa, Niranjana
10 1 artikel
26 A Parametric Study Delineating Irreversible Electroporation from Thermal Damage Based on a Minimally Invasive Intracranial Procedure Garcia, Paulo A
10 1 artikel
27 A preliminary investigation assessing the viability of classifying hand postures in seniors Tavakolan, Mojgan
10 1 artikel
28 A reference dataset for verifying numerical electrophysiological heart models Koch, Hans
10 1 artikel
29 A robust method for diagnosis of morphological arrhythmias based on Hermitian model of higher-order statistics Karimifard, Saeed
10 1 artikel
30 A structural constitutive model considering angular dispersion and waviness of collagen fibres of rabbit facial veins Agianniotis, Aristotelis
10 1 artikel
31 A telemedicine instrument for remote evaluation of tremor: design and initial applications in fatigue and patients with Parkinson's Disease Barroso, Mário C
10 1 artikel
32 Automated drusen detection in retinal images using analytical modelling algorithms Mora, André D
10 1 artikel
33 Automatic classification of long-term ambulatory ECG records according to type of ischemic heart disease Smrdel, Aleš
10 1 artikel
34 Automatic detection of the carotid artery boundary on cross-sectional MR image sequences using a circle model guided dynamic programming Cheng, Da-Chuan
10 1 artikel
35 Automatic discrimination between safe and unsafe swallowing using a reputation-based classifier Nikjoo, Mohammad S
10 1 artikel
36 A wavelet-based ECG delineation algorithm for 32-bit integer online processing Di Marco, Luigi Y
10 1 artikel
37 Blood pressure long term regulation: A neural network model of the set point development Zanutto, B Silvano
10 1 artikel
38 Body electrical loss analysis (BELA) in the assessment of visceral fat: a demonstration Blomqvist, Kim H
10 1 artikel
39 Book review of applied medical image processing: A basic course Ciaccio, Edward J
10 1 artikel
40 Book review of: "Clinical aspects of electroporation" by Stephen T Kee, Julie Gehl, Edward W Lee Spugnini, Enrico Pierluigi
10 1 artikel
41 Book review of Electrophysiological Recording Techniques, edited by Robert P Vertes and Robert W Stackman, Jr Kolev, Vasil
10 1 artikel
42 Classification of breast tissue in mammograms using efficient coding Costa, Daniel D
10 1 artikel
43 Classification of voice disorder in children with cochlear implantation and hearing aid using multiple classifier fusion Mahmoudi, Zeinab
10 1 artikel
44 Comparison of morphological changes in efferent lymph nodes after implantation of resorbable and non-resorbable implants in rabbits Bondarenko, Alexandr
10 1 artikel
45 Comparison of ring artifact removal methods using flat panel detector based CT images Abu Anas, Emran M
10 1 artikel
46 Comparison of two systems for long-term heart rate variability monitoring in free-living conditions - a pilot study Kristiansen, Jesper
10 1 artikel
47 Development and mechanical testing of a short intramedullary nail for fixation of femoral rotational osteotomy in cerebral palsy patients Pagnano, Rodrigo G
10 1 artikel
48 Development of a new quantitative gas permeability method for dental implant-abutment connection tightness assessment Torres, Jacques-Henri
10 1 artikel
49 Digital stereophotogrammetry based on circular markers and zooming cameras: evaluation of a method for 3D analysis of small motions in orthopaedic research Bobrowitsch, Evgenij
10 1 artikel
50 Digital Subtraction Phonocardiography (DSP) applied to the detection and characterization of heart murmurs Ali Akbari, Mohammad
10 1 artikel
51 Dispensing pico to nanolitre of a natural hydrogel by laser-assisted bioprinting Gruene, Martin
10 1 artikel
52 3D video-based deformation measurement of the pelvis bone under dynamic cyclic loading Göpfert, Beat
10 1 artikel
53 Effect of guidewire on contribution of loss due to momentum change and viscous loss to the translesional pressure drop across coronary artery stenosis: An analytical approach Rajabi-Jaghargh, Ehsan
10 1 artikel
54 Effect of nitrogen-rich cell culture surfaces on type X collagen expression by bovine growth plate chondrocytes Petit, Alain
10 1 artikel
55 Effect of the Kinesio tape to muscle activity and vertical jump performance in healthy inactive people Huang, Chen-Yu
10 1 artikel
56 Effects of intima stiffness and plaque morphology on peak cap stress Akyildiz , Ali C
10 1 artikel
57 Electromagnetic compatibility of implantable neurostimulators to RFID emitters Pantchenko, Oxana S
10 1 artikel
58 Estimation of cardiac output in patients with congestive heart failure by analysis of right ventricular pressure waveforms Karamanoglu, Mustafa
10 1 artikel
59 Feature extraction and selection for objective gait analysis and fall risk assessment by accelerometry Caby, Benoit
10 1 artikel
60 Focal Laser Ablation of Prostate Cancer: Numerical Simulation of Temperature and Damage Distribution Marqa, Mohamad-Feras
10 1 artikel
61 Formant analysis in dysphonic patients and automatic Arabic digit speech recognition Muhammad, Ghulam
10 1 artikel
62 Geometric nonlinear diffusion filter and its application to X-ray imaging Michel-González, Eric
10 1 artikel
63 High-frequency irreversible electroporation (H-FIRE) for non-thermal ablation without muscle contraction Arena, Christopher B
10 1 artikel
64 How smartphones are changing the face of mobile and participatory healthcare: an overview, with example from eCAALYX Boulos, Maged N Kamel
10 1 artikel
65 Impact of flow rates in a cardiac cycle on correlations between advanced human carotid plaque progression and mechanical flow shear stress and plaque wall stress Yang, Chun
10 1 artikel
66 Infrared thermography fails to visualize stimulation-induced meridian-like structures: comment by Rixin Chen and Zhimai Lv and reply from Gerhard Litscher Chen, Rixin
10 1 artikel
67 Inter-plane artifact suppression in tomosynthesis using 3D CT image data Kim, Jae G
10 1 artikel
68 Interpreting finite element results for brittle materials in endodontic restorations Pérez-González, Antonio
10 1 artikel
69 Magnetic resonance imaging detects significant sex differences in human myocardial strain Lawton, Jennifer S
10 1 artikel
70 Mathematical multi-scale model of the cardiovascular system including mitral valve dynamics. Application to ischemic mitral insufficiency Paeme, Sabine
10 1 artikel
71 Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus adhesion to human umbilical vein endothelial cells demonstrates wall shear stress dependent behaviour Viegas, Kayla D
10 1 artikel
72 Model-based optimal PEEP in mechanically ventilated ARDS patients in the Intensive Care Unit Sundaresan, Ashwath
10 1 artikel
73 Model-based PEEP optimisation in mechanical ventilation Chiew, Yeong Shiong
10 1 artikel
74 Multifocal ERG wavelet packet decomposition applied to glaucoma diagnosis Miguel-Jiménez, Juan M
10 1 artikel
75 Neonatal non-contact respiratory monitoring based on real-time infrared thermography Abbas, Abbas K
10 1 artikel
76 New approach for T-wave end detection on electrocardiogram: Performance in noisy conditions Vázquez-Seisdedos, Carlos R
10 1 artikel
77 Non-invasive algorithm for bowel motility estimation using a back-propagation neural network model of bowel sounds Kim, Keo-Sik
10 1 artikel
78 Nonlinear Heart Rate Variability features for real-life stress detection. Case study: students under stress due to university examination Melillo, Paolo
10 1 artikel
79 Nonlinear observer output-feedback MPC treatment scheduling for HIV Zurakowski, Ryan
10 1 artikel
80 Numerical simulation of strain-adaptive bone remodelling in the ankle joint Bouguecha, Anas
10 1 artikel
81 Optimum conductive fabric sensor sites for evaluating the status of knee joint movements using bio-impedance Lee, Byung Woo
10 1 artikel
82 Osteoblastic differentiation and stress response of human mesenchymal stem cells exposed to alternating current electric fields Hronik-Tupaj, Marie
10 1 artikel
83 Performance evaluation of a motor-imagery-based EEG-Brain computer interface using a combined cue with heterogeneous training data in BCI-Naive subjects Choi, Donghag
10 1 artikel
84 Probability of ventricular fibrillation: allometric model based on the ST deviation Bonomini, Maria P
10 1 artikel
85 Pulsatile ex vivo perfusion of human saphenous vein grafts under controlled pressure conditions increases MMP-2 expression Dummler, Sara
10 1 artikel
86 Quantification and recognition of parkinsonian gait from monocular video imaging using kernel-based principal component analysis Chen, Shih-Wei
10 1 artikel
87 Quantification of compensatory processes of postnatal hypoxia in newborn piglets applying short-term nonlinear dynamics analysis Schulz, Steffen
10 1 artikel
88 Radiated radiofrequency immunity testing of automated external defibrillators - modifications of applicable standards are needed Umberger, Ken
10 1 artikel
89 Real-time feature extraction of P300 component using adaptive nonlinear principal component analysis Turnip, Arjon
10 1 artikel
90 Real-time forecasting of an epidemic using a discrete time stochastic model: a case study of pandemic influenza (H1N1-2009) Nishiura, Hiroshi
10 1 artikel
91 Review and classification of variability analysis techniques with clinical applications Bravi, Andrea
10 1 artikel
92 Review of Biomedical Image Processing Ciaccio, Edward J
10 1 artikel
93 Review of "Cardiac Fibrillation-Defibrillation: Clinical and Engineering Aspects", by Max E. Valentinuzzi Olson, Walter H
10 1 artikel
94 Review of "Handbook of Human Factors in Medical Device Design", edited by Matthew B. Weinger, Michael E. Wiklund and Daryle J. Gardner-Bonneau, Assistant Editor Loir M. Kelly Gaev, Jonathan A
10 1 artikel
95 Review of Zero-D and 1-D Models of Blood Flow in the Cardiovascular System Shi, Yubing
10 1 artikel
96 Robust spectral analysis of videocapsule images acquired from celiac disease patients Ciaccio, Edward J
10 1 artikel
97 Segmentation of liver, its vessels and lesions from CT images for surgical planning Oliveira, Dário AB
10 1 artikel
98 Seizure classification in EEG signals utilizing Hilbert-Huang transform Oweis, Rami J
10 1 artikel
99 Sensitivity of temporal heart rate variability in Poincaré plot to changes in parasympathetic nervous system activity Karmakar, Chandan K
10 1 artikel
100 Signal processing of heart signals for the quantification of non-deterministic events Millette, Véronique
10 1 artikel
101 Simulation of haemodynamic flow in head and neck cancer chemotherapy Rhode, Stephan
10 1 artikel
102 Small intestinal model for electrically propelled capsule endoscopy Woo, Sang Hyo
10 1 artikel
103 Spine alignment in men during lateral sleep position: experimental study and modeling Leilnahari, Karim
10 1 artikel
104 Statistical learning methods as a preprocessing step for survival analysis: evaluation of concept using lung cancer data Behera, Madhusmita
10 1 artikel
105 Study of probe-sample distance for biomedical spectra measurement Wang, Bowen
10 1 artikel
106 The baseline pressure of intracranial pressure (ICP) sensors can be altered by electrostatic discharges Eide, Per K
10 1 artikel
107 Time lag between oscillatory pressure and flow affecting accuracy of forced oscillation technique Ohishi, Junichi
10 1 artikel
108 Towards patient-specific cardiovascular modeling system using the immersed boundary technique Tay, Wee-Beng
10 1 artikel
109 Validation of 24-hour ambulatory gait assessment in Parkinson's disease with simultaneous video observation Moore, Steven T
10 1 artikel
110 Virtual environment to quantify the influence of colour stimuli on the performance of tasks requiring attention Silva, Alessandro P
10 1 artikel
111 Wavelet-based Gaussian-mixture hidden Markov model for the detection of multistage seizure dynamics: A proof-of-concept study Chiu, Alan WL
10 1 artikel
                             111 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland