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                             74 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A cross sectional study examining social desirability bias in caregiver reporting of children’s oral health behaviors Sanzone, Lauren A
13 1 artikel
2 Adhesion of Streptococcus mitis and Actinomyces oris in co-culture to machined and anodized titanium surfaces as affected by atmosphere and pH Caous, Josefin Seth
13 1 artikel
3 Annual acknowledgement of manuscript reviewers Foote, Christopher
13 1 artikel
4 Appointment attendance at a remote rural dental training facility in Australia Lalloo, Ratilal
13 1 artikel
5 Are dentists interested in the oral-systemic disease connection? A qualitative study of an online community of 450 practitioners Song, Mei
13 1 artikel
6 Association between diabetes-related factors and clinical periodontal parameters in type-2 diabetes mellitus Kim, Eun-Kyong
13 1 artikel
7 Clinical and histological characterization of oral pemphigus lesions in patients with skin diseases: a cross sectional study from Sudan Suliman, Nada M
13 1 artikel
8 Clinical evaluation of a modified silver fluoride application technique designed to facilitate lesion assessment in outreach programs Craig, Graham G
13 1 artikel
9 Cluster-randomized trial of a web-assisted tobacco quality improvement intervention of subsequent patient tobacco product use: a National Dental PBRN study Houston, Thomas K
13 1 artikel
10 Comparing potential early caries assessment methods for teledentistry Van Hilsen, Zachary
13 1 artikel
11 Comparison of caries detection methods using varying numbers of intra-oral digital photographs with visual examination for epidemiology in children Boye, Uriana
13 1 artikel
12 Comparison of clinical and dental panoramic findings: a practice-based crossover study Moll, Marc A
13 1 artikel
13 Comparison of the shaping ability of GT® Series X, Twisted Files and AlphaKite rotary nickel-titanium systems in simulated canals Ba-Hattab, Raidan
13 1 artikel
14 County-level characteristics as predictors of dentists’ ECC counseling in the USA: a survey study Milgrom, Peter
13 1 artikel
15 Dental amalgam and urinary mercury concentrations: a descriptive study Nicolae, Alexandra
13 1 artikel
16 Dental caries among children visiting a mobile dental clinic in South Central Kentucky: a pooled cross-sectional study Dawkins, Erika
13 1 artikel
17 Dental caries prevalence, oral health knowledge and practice among indigenous Chepang school children of Nepal Prasai Dixit, Lonim
13 1 artikel
18 Dental caries status of Dai preschool children in Yunnan Province, China Zhang, Shinan
13 1 artikel
19 Dental health behavior of parents of children using non-fluoride toothpaste: a cross-sectional study Ota, Junko
13 1 artikel
20 Dental prosthetic treatment needs of inpatients with schizophrenia in Taiwan: a cross-sectional study Chu, Kuan-Yu
13 1 artikel
21 Dental sealant knowledge, opinion, values and practice of Spanish dentists San Martin, Laura
13 1 artikel
22 Design of a community-based intergenerational oral health study: “Baby Smiles” Milgrom, Peter
13 1 artikel
23 Determinants of preventive oral health behaviour among senior dental students in Nigeria Folayan, Morenike O
13 1 artikel
24 Determining the optimal model for role-substitution in NHS dental services in the United Kingdom Brocklehurst, Paul
13 1 artikel
25 Developmental defects of enamel in primary teeth and association with early life course events: a study of 6–36 month old children in Manyara, Tanzania Masumo, Ray
13 1 artikel
26 Developmental delays and dental caries in low-income preschoolers in the USA: a pilot cross-sectional study and preliminary explanatory model Chi, Donald L
13 1 artikel
27 Does orthodontic treatment provide a real functional improvement? a case control study Masci, Chiara
13 1 artikel
28 Do we need more than one Child Perceptions Questionnaire for children and adolescents? Foster Page, Lyndie A
13 1 artikel
29 Erosive and cariogenicity potential of pediatric drugs: study of physicochemical parameters Xavier, Alidianne Fábia C
13 1 artikel
30 Evaluating performance of dental caries detection methods among third-year dental students Parviainen, Heini
13 1 artikel
31 Evaluation of maxillary anterior teeth and their relation to the golden proportion in malaysian population Al-Marzok, Maan Ibrahim
13 1 artikel
32 Heavy consumption of dental services; a longitudinal cohort study among Finnish adults Nihtilä, Annamari
13 1 artikel
33 Identifying incident oral and pharyngeal cancer cases using Medicare claims Mahnken, Jonathan D
13 1 artikel
34 Intracanal placement of calcium hydroxide: a comparison of specially designed paste carrier technique with other techniques Tan, Joseph Meng Ern
13 1 artikel
35 Investigating the biological properties of carbohydrate derived fulvic acid (CHD-FA) as a potential novel therapy for the management of oral biofilm infections Sherry, Leighann
13 1 artikel
36 IQuaD dental trial; improving the quality of dentistry: a multicentre randomised controlled trial comparing oral hygiene advice and periodontal instrumentation for the prevention and management of periodontal disease in dentate adults attending dental primary care Clarkson, Jan E
13 1 artikel
37 Is human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) stage an independent risk factor for altering the periodontal status of HIV-positive patients? A South African study John, Cathy Nisha
13 1 artikel
38 Laboratorial training of examiners for using a visual caries detection system in epidemiological surveys Piovesan, Chaiana
13 1 artikel
39 Malocclusion, dental aesthetic self-perception and quality of life in a 18 to 21 year-old population: a cross section study Claudino, Dikson
13 1 artikel
40 Myelosuppression grading of chemotherapies for hematologic malignancies to facilitate communication between medical and dental staff: lessons from two cases experienced odontogenic septicemia Akashi, Masaya
13 1 artikel
41 Oral health behavior of drug addicts in withdrawal treatment Shekarchizadeh, Hajar
13 1 artikel
42 Oral health of visually impaired schoolchildren in Khartoum State, Sudan Tagelsir, Azza
13 1 artikel
43 Patient perceptions regarding benefits of single visit scale and polish: a randomised controlled trial Jones, Clare
13 1 artikel
44 Pattern of occurrence and treatment of impacted teeth at the Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Msagati, Farizana
13 1 artikel
45 Perception of toothache in adults from state capitals and interior cities within the Brazilian geographic regions Hafner, Maylu Botta
13 1 artikel
46 Periodontal conditions in patients with Marfan syndrome – a multicenter case control study Staufenbiel, Ingmar
13 1 artikel
47 Predictors of Dental caries among children 7–14 years old in Northwest Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study Ayele, Fenta A
13 1 artikel
48 Prevalence and imaging characteristics of detectable tonsilloliths on 482 pairs of consecutive CT and panoramic radiographs Oda, Masafumi
13 1 artikel
49 Protocol for diagnostic test accuracy study: the efficacy of screening for common dental diseases by Dental Care Professionals Macey, Richard
13 1 artikel
50 Relationships between self-rated oral health, subjective symptoms, oral health behavior and clinical conditions in Japanese university students: a cross-sectional survey at Okayama University Kojima, Azusa
13 1 artikel
51 Risk indicators of oral health status among young adults aged 18 years analyzed by negative binomial regression Lu, Hai-Xia
13 1 artikel
52 Salivary pellicles on titanium and their effect on metabolic activity in Streptococcus oralis Dorkhan, Marjan
13 1 artikel
53 Short and long-term career plans of final year dental students in the United Arab Emirates Rashid, Hazim H
13 1 artikel
54 Short-term impact of oral hygiene training package to Anganwadi workers on improving oral hygiene of preschool children in North Indian City Raj, Sonika
13 1 artikel
55 Social capital and dental pain in Brazilian northeast: a multilevel cross-sectional study Santiago, Bianca Marques
13 1 artikel
56 Social determinants of health and periodontal disease in Brazilian adults: a cross- sectional study Bonfim, Maria de Lourdes Carvalho
13 1 artikel
57 Socio-behavioural factors and early childhood caries: a cross-sectional study of preschool children in central Trinidad Naidu, Rahul
13 1 artikel
58 Socioeconomic and family influences on dental treatment needs among Brazilian underprivileged schoolchildren participating in a dental health program Lisboa, Cristina Martins
13 1 artikel
59 Socioeconomic and psychosocial predictors of dental healthcare use among Brazilian preschool children Machry, Rômulo Vaz
13 1 artikel
60 Stem cells in Dentistry: knowledge and attitude of Nigerian Dentists Sede, Matthew Asizide
13 1 artikel
61 Supragingival plaque microbial analysis in reflection to caries experience Mannaa, Alaa
13 1 artikel
62 Surface-associated MUC5B mucins promote protease activity in Lactobacillus fermentum biofilms Wickström, Claes
13 1 artikel
63 Temporal histological changes in lacrimal and major salivary glands in mouse models of Sjogren’s syndrome Xuan, Jingxiu
13 1 artikel
64 The atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) strategy in Mexico: two-years follow up of ART sealants and restorations Luengas-Quintero, Elisa
13 1 artikel
65 The FiCTION dental trial protocol – filling children’s teeth: indicated or not? Innes, Nicola PT
13 1 artikel
66 The impact of frailty on oral care behavior of older people: a qualitative study Niesten, Dominique
13 1 artikel
67 The impact of socioenvironmental characteristics on domains of oral health-related quality of life in Brazilian schoolchildren de Paula, Janice Simpson
13 1 artikel
68 The traditional practice of canine bud removal in the offspring of Ethiopian immigrants Davidovich, Esti
13 1 artikel
69 Time loss due to dental problems and treatment in the Canadian population: analysis of a nationwide cross-sectional survey Hayes, Alyssa
13 1 artikel
70 Tobacco use and caries risk among adolescents – a longitudinal study in Sweden Holmén, Anders
13 1 artikel
71 Trends in tooth loss in relation to socio-economic status among Swedish women, aged 38 and 50 years: repeated cross-sectional surveys 1968-2004 Wennström, Anette
13 1 artikel
72 UK population norms for the modified dental anxiety scale with percentile calculator: adult dental health survey 2009 results Humphris, Gerry
13 1 artikel
73 Validity of Italian version of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ11-14) Olivieri, Armando
13 1 artikel
74 Weight, height and eruption times of permanent teeth of children aged 4–15 years in Kampala, Uganda Kutesa, Annet
13 1 artikel
                             74 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland