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                             280 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Candida albicans early stage biofilm detachment event in rich medium Sellam, Adnane
9 1 artikel
2 Active immunization using exotoxin A confers protection against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a mouse burn model Manafi, Ali
9 1 artikel
3 Adherent-invasive Escherichia coli, strain LF82 disrupts apical junctional complexes in polarized epithelia Wine, Eytan
9 1 artikel
4 aes, the gene encoding the esterase B in Escherichia coli, is a powerful phylogenetic marker of the species Lescat, Mathilde
9 1 artikel
5 AI-2 does not function as a quorum sensing molecule in Campylobacter jejuni during exponential growth in vitro Holmes, Kathryn
9 1 artikel
6 Alkane inducible proteins in Geobacillus thermoleovorans B23 Kato, Tomohisa
9 1 artikel
7 Allelic diversity and phylogeny of homB, a novel co-virulence marker of Helicobacter pylori Oleastro, Mónica
9 1 artikel
8 Analysis of growth-phase regulated genes in Streptococcus agalactiae by global transcript profiling Sitkiewicz, Izabela
9 1 artikel
9 Analysis of virulence factors of Helicobacter pylori isolated from a Vietnamese population Uchida, Tomohisa
9 1 artikel
10 A new cold-adapted β-D-galactosidase from the Antarctic Arthrobacter sp. 32c – gene cloning, overexpression, purification and properties Hildebrandt, Piotr
9 1 artikel
11 A novel DNA-binding protein modulating methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus Ender, Miriam
9 1 artikel
12 A novel inhibitor of Chlamydophila pneumoniae protein kinase D (PknD) inhibits phosphorylation of CdsD and suppresses bacterial replication Johnson, Dustin L
9 1 artikel
13 Antimicrobial resistance profiling and molecular subtyping of Campylobacter spp. from processed turkey Lutgen, Ellen M
9 1 artikel
14 A pentaplex PCR assay for the rapid detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Panton-Valentine Leucocidin Al-Talib, Hassanain
9 1 artikel
15 A phylogenetic group of Escherichia coli associated with active left-sided Inflammatory Bowel Disease Petersen, Andreas M
9 1 artikel
16 A plant MinD homologue rescues Escherichia coli HL1 mutant (ΔMinDE) in the absence of MinE Zhang, Min
9 1 artikel
17 Application and evaluation of the MLVA typing assay for the Brucella abortus strains isolated in Korea Her, Moon
9 1 artikel
18 A probable aculeacin A acylase from the Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000 is N-acyl-homoserine lactone acylase with quorum-quenching activity Chen, Chin-Nung
9 1 artikel
19 Arsenophonus, an emerging clade of intracellular symbionts with a broad host distribution Nováková, Eva
9 1 artikel
20 A single amino acid change (Y318F) in the L-arabitol dehydrogenase (LadA) from Aspergillus niger results in a significant increase in affinity for D-sorbitol Rutten, Lucy
9 1 artikel
21 Assessing the suitability of antibiotic resistance markers and the indirect ELISA technique for studying the competitive ability of selected Cyclopia Vent. rhizobia under glasshouse and field conditions in South Africa Spriggs, Amy C
9 1 artikel
22 Assessment of three Resistance-Nodulation-Cell Division drug efflux transporters of Burkholderia cenocepacia in intrinsic antibiotic resistance Buroni, Silvia
9 1 artikel
23 Association of the shuffling of Streptococcus pyogenes clones and the fluctuation of scarlet fever cases between 2000 and 2006 in central Taiwan Chiou, Chien-Shun
9 1 artikel
24 Association of virulence plasmid and antibiotic resistance determinants with chromosomal multilocus genotypes in Mexican Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strains Wiesner, Magdalena
9 1 artikel
25 Bacillus anthracis in China and its relationship to worldwide lineages Simonson, Tatum S
9 1 artikel
26 Bacterial composition and succession during storage of North-Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) at superchilled temperatures Reynisson, Eyjólfur
9 1 artikel
27 Bacterial diversity analysis of larvae and adult midgut microflora using culture-dependent and culture-independent methods in lab-reared and field-collected Anopheles stephensi-an Asian malarial vector Rani, Asha
9 1 artikel
28 Bactericidal activities of the cationic steroid CSA-13 and the cathelicidin peptide LL-37 against Helicobacter pylori in simulated gastric juice Leszczyńska, Katarzyna
9 1 artikel
29 Biofilm formation as a novel phenotypic feature of adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) Martinez-Medina, Margarita
9 1 artikel
30 Biofilm formation by Mycobacterium avium isolates originating from humans, swine and birds Johansen, Tone Bjordal
9 1 artikel
31 Blochmannia endosymbionts improve colony growth and immune defence in the ant Camponotus fellah de Souza, Danival J
9 1 artikel
32 Brucella melitensis global gene expression study provides novel information on growth phase-specific gene regulation with potential insights for understanding Brucella:host initial interactions Rossetti, Carlos A
9 1 artikel
33 Burkholderia thailandensis harbors two identical rhl gene clusters responsible for the biosynthesis of rhamnolipids Dubeau, Danielle
9 1 artikel
34 CAPIH: A Web interface for comparative analyses and visualization of host-HIV protein-protein interactions Lin, Fan-Kai
9 1 artikel
35 Carbon and arsenic metabolism in Thiomonas strains: differences revealed diverse adaptation processes Bryan, Christopher G
9 1 artikel
36 Cervical cancer isolate PT3, super-permissive for adeno-associated virus replication, over-expresses DNA polymerase δ, PCNA, RFC and RPA Kang, Bum Yong
9 1 artikel
37 CgOpt1, a putative oligopeptide transporter from Colletotrichum gloeosporioides that is involved in responses to auxin and pathogenicity Chagué, Véronique
9 1 artikel
38 Characterisation of atypical enteropathogenic E. coli strains of clinical origin Tennant, Sharon M
9 1 artikel
39 Characterisation of porin genes from Mycobacterium fortuitum and their impact on growth Sharbati, Soroush
9 1 artikel
40 Characterization of a salt-induced DhAHP, a gene coding for alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, from the extremely halophilic yeast Debaryomyces hansenii Chao, Hsiu-fung
9 1 artikel
41 Characterization of Cronobacter recovered from dried milk and related products El-Sharoud, Walid M
9 1 artikel
42 Characterization of α-isopropylmalate synthases containing different copy numbers of tandem repeats in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Yindeeyoungyeon, Wandee
9 1 artikel
43 Characterization of oxylipins and dioxygenase genes in the asexual fungus Aspergillus niger Wadman, Mayken W
9 1 artikel
44 Characterization of structures in biofilms formed by a Pseudomonas fluorescens isolated from soil Baum, Marc M
9 1 artikel
45 Characterization of the expression of Salmonella Type III secretion system factor PrgI, SipA, SipB, SopE2, SpaO, and SptP in cultures and in mice Gong, Hao
9 1 artikel
46 Characterization of the hupSL promoter activity in Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133 Holmqvist, Marie
9 1 artikel
47 Characterization of the meningococcal DNA glycosylase Fpg involved in base excision repair Tibballs, Katrina L
9 1 artikel
48 Characterization of Zur-dependent genes and direct Zur targets in Yersinia pestis Li, Yingli
9 1 artikel
49 Charge effect on the photoinactivation of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria by cationic meso-substituted porphyrins Alves, Eliana
9 1 artikel
50 Chitobiose utilization in Borrelia burgdorferi is dually regulated by RpoD and RpoS Rhodes, Ryan G
9 1 artikel
51 Cj0596 is a periplasmic peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase involved in Campylobacter jejuni motility, invasion, and colonization Rathbun, Kimberly M
9 1 artikel
52 Classification of Myoviridae bacteriophages using protein sequence similarity Lavigne, Rob
9 1 artikel
53 Clonal dissemination of the multi-drug resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Braenderup, but not the serovar Bareilly, of prevalent serogroup C1 Salmonella from Taiwan Chiou, Chien-Shun
9 1 artikel
54 cmdABCDEF, a cluster of genes encoding membrane proteins for differentiation and antibiotic production in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) Xie, Pengfei
9 1 artikel
55 Combining chemical genomics screens in yeast to reveal spectrum of effects of chemical inhibition of sphingolipid biosynthesis Kemmer, Danielle
9 1 artikel
56 Comparative genomics of lactic acid bacteria reveals a niche-specific gene set O'Sullivan, Orla
9 1 artikel
57 Comparative transcriptomic analysis of Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilm and planktonic cells Lo, Alvin W
9 1 artikel
58 Comparison of the in vitro and in vivo susceptibilities of Burkholderia mallei to Ceftazidime and Levofloxacin Judy, Barbara M
9 1 artikel
59 Comparison of the sensitivity of culture, PCR and quantitative real-time PCR for the detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in sputum of cystic fibrosis patients Deschaght, Pieter
9 1 artikel
60 Computational prediction of essential genes in an unculturable endosymbiotic bacterium, Wolbachia of Brugia malayi Holman, Alexander G
9 1 artikel
61 Conserved amino acid markers from past influenza pandemic strains Allen, Jonathan E
9 1 artikel
62 Coordinated surface activities in Variovorax paradoxus EPS Jamieson, W David
9 1 artikel
63 Correction: Invasiveness as a putative additional virulence mechanism of some atypical Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains with different uncommon intimin types Yamamoto, Denise
9 1 artikel
64 Correlations of mutations in katG, oxyR-ahpC and inhA genes and in vitro susceptibility in Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical strains segregated by spoligotype families from tuberculosis prevalent countries in South America Dalla Costa, Elis R
9 1 artikel
65 Cytokinesis is blocked in mammalian cells transfected with Chlamydia trachomatis gene CT223 Alzhanov, Damir T
9 1 artikel
66 Cytosolic phospholipase A2: a member of the signalling pathway of a new G protein α subunit in Sporothrix schenckii Valentín-Berríos, Shirley
9 1 artikel
67 Defining the healthy "core microbiome" of oral microbial communities Zaura, Egija
9 1 artikel
68 Detection and quantification of Lyme spirochetes using sensitive and specific molecular beacon probes Saidac, Diana S
9 1 artikel
69 Detection of SHV β-lactamases in Gram-negative bacilli using fluorescein-labeled antibodies Hujer, Andrea M
9 1 artikel
70 Development and validation of an oligonucleotide microarray to characterise ectomycorrhizal fungal communities Reich, Marlis
9 1 artikel
71 Development of a multi-locus sequence typing scheme for Laribacter hongkongensis, a novel bacterium associated with freshwater fish-borne gastroenteritis and traveler's diarrhea Woo, Patrick CY
9 1 artikel
72 Diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli are not a significant cause of diarrhoea in hospitalised children in Kuwait Albert, M John
9 1 artikel
73 Differential proteomic analysis of Clostridium perfringens ATCC13124; identification of dominant, surface and structure associated proteins Alam, Syed Imteyaz
9 1 artikel
74 Direct and negative regulation of the sycO-ypkA-ypoJ operon by cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) in Yersinia pestis Zhan, Lingjun
9 1 artikel
75 Discovery of novel inhibitors of Streptococcus pneumoniae based on the virtual screening with the homology-modeled structure of histidine kinase (VicK) Li, Nan
9 1 artikel
76 Distinct roles of long/short fimbriae and gingipains in homotypic biofilm development by Porphyromonas gingivalis Kuboniwa, Masae
9 1 artikel
77 Diversity and transcription of proteases involved in the maturation of hydrogenases in Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133 and Nostoc sp. strain PCC 7120 Devine, Ellenor
9 1 artikel
78 Diversity of pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) among prevalent clones in Spain Rolo, Dora
9 1 artikel
79 DNA-binding by Haemophilus influenzae and Escherichia coli YbaB, members of a widely-distributed bacterial protein family Cooley, Anne E
9 1 artikel
80 DNA phosphorothioation in Streptomyces lividans: mutational analysis of the dnd locus Xu, Tiegang
9 1 artikel
81 DNA polymorphism analysis of Brucella lipopolysaccharide genes reveals marked differences in O-polysaccharide biosynthetic genes between smooth and rough Brucella species and novel species-specific markers Zygmunt, Michel S
9 1 artikel
82 Domain swapping reveals that the N-terminal domain of the sensor kinase KdpD in Escherichia coli is important for signaling Heermann, Ralf
9 1 artikel
83 Downregulation of protein kinase C-α enhances intracellular survival of Mycobacteria: role of PknG Chaurasiya, Shivendra K
9 1 artikel
84 2D proteome analysis initiates new Insights on the Salmonella Typhimurium LuxS protein Kint, Gwendoline
9 1 artikel
85 Early development of Moniliophthora perniciosa basidiomata and developmentally regulated genes Pires, Acássia BL
9 1 artikel
86 Effect of a glucose impulse on the CcpA regulon in Staphylococcus aureus Seidl, Kati
9 1 artikel
87 Effect of lactoperoxidase on the antimicrobial effectiveness of the thiocyanate hydrogen peroxide combination in a quantitative suspension test Welk, A
9 1 artikel
88 Effect of temperature and water activity on the production of fumonisins by Aspergillus niger and different Fusarium species Mogensen, Jesper M
9 1 artikel
89 Effects of prophylactic administration of bacteriophages to immunosuppressed mice infected with Staphylococcus aureus Zimecki, Michał
9 1 artikel
90 Emodin targets the β-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase from Helicobacter pylori: enzymatic inhibition assay with crystal structural and thermodynamic characterization Chen, Jing
9 1 artikel
91 Enterococcal surface protein Esp is not essential for cell adhesion and intestinal colonization of Enterococcus faecium in mice Heikens, Esther
9 1 artikel
92 Enterococci in river Ganga surface waters: Propensity of species distribution, dissemination of antimicrobial-resistance and virulence-markers among species along landscape Lata, Pushpa
9 1 artikel
93 Environmental and intracellular regulation of Francisella tularensis ripA Fuller, James R
9 1 artikel
94 Environmental stresses inhibit splicing in the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii Georg, Raphaela Castro
9 1 artikel
95 Evaluation of high efficiency gene knockout strategies for Trypanosoma cruzi Xu, Dan
9 1 artikel
96 Evaluation of the bacterial diversity among and within individual venous leg ulcers using bacterial tag-encoded FLX and Titanium amplicon pyrosequencing and metagenomic approaches Wolcott, Randall D
9 1 artikel
97 Evaluation of the passage of Lactobacillus gasseri K7 and bifidobacteria from the stomach to intestines using a single reactor model Ritter, Philipp
9 1 artikel
98 Evidence for calcium-mediated perception of plant symbiotic signals in aequorin-expressing Mesorhizobium loti Moscatiello, Roberto
9 1 artikel
99 Evolutionary relationships among salivarius streptococci as inferred from multilocus phylogenies based on 16S rRNA-encoding, recA, secA, and secY gene sequences Pombert, Jean-François
9 1 artikel
100 Expression and subcellular localization of kinetoplast-associated proteins in the different developmental stages of Trypanosoma cruzi Cavalcanti, Danielle Pereira
9 1 artikel
101 Extracellular secretion of Carocin S1 in Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum occurs via the type III secretion system integral to the bacterial flagellum Chan, Yung-chieh
9 1 artikel
102 Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli O1:K1:H7/NM from human and avian origin: detection of clonal groups B2 ST95 and D ST59 with different host distribution Mora, Azucena
9 1 artikel
103 First multi-locus sequence typing scheme for Arcobacter spp. Miller, William G
9 1 artikel
104 Functions of the Clostridium acetobutylicium FabF and FabZ proteins in unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis Zhu, Lei
9 1 artikel
105 Gene doctoring: a method for recombineering in laboratory and pathogenic Escherichia coli strains Lee, David J
9 1 artikel
106 Gene expression analysis of the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum in the presence of tomato plants, chitin, or glucose using a high-density oligonucleotide microarray Samolski, Ilanit
9 1 artikel
107 Gene expression profile and pathogenicity of biofilm-forming Prevotella intermedia strain 17 Yamanaka, Takeshi
9 1 artikel
108 Genes involved in arsenic transformation and resistance associated with different levels of arsenic-contaminated soils Cai, Lin
9 1 artikel
109 Genetic determination of the effect of post-translational modification on the innate immune response to the 19 kDa lipoprotein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Wilkinson, Katalin A
9 1 artikel
110 Genetic evaluation of relationship between mutations in rpoB and resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to rifampin Zaczek, Anna
9 1 artikel
111 Genetic identity and differential gene expression between Trichomonas vaginalis and Trichomonas tenax Kucknoor, Ashwini S
9 1 artikel
112 Genetic tools for the investigation of Roseobacter clade bacteria Piekarski, Tanja
9 1 artikel
113 Genome-wide analysis of the PreA/PreB (QseB/QseC) regulon of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Merighi, Massimo
9 1 artikel
114 Genomic analysis of Campylobacter fetus subspecies: identification of candidate virulence determinants and diagnostic assay targets Moolhuijzen, Paula M
9 1 artikel
115 Genomic and phenotypic variation in epidemic-spanning Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis isolates Betancor, Laura
9 1 artikel
116 Genomic diversity of citrate fermentation in Klebsiella pneumoniae Chen, Ying-Tsong
9 1 artikel
117 Genomic island excisions in Bordetella petrii Lechner, Melanie
9 1 artikel
118 Genotypic comparison of Pantoea agglomerans plant and clinical strains Rezzonico, Fabio
9 1 artikel
119 Geographic distribution of methyltransferases of Helicobacter pylori: evidence of human host population isolation and migration Vale, Filipa F
9 1 artikel
120 Global transcriptional response of pig brain and lung to natural infection by Pseudorabies virus Yuan, JF
9 1 artikel
121 Growth in glucose-based medium and exposure to subinhibitory concentrations of imipenem induce biofilm formation in a multidrug-resistant clinical isolate of Acinetobacter baumannii Nucleo, Elisabetta
9 1 artikel
122 Growth inhibition and ultrastructural alterations induced by Δ24(25)-sterol methyltransferase inhibitors in Candida spp. isolates, including non-albicans organisms Ishida, Kelly
9 1 artikel
123 Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide modification, Lewis antigen expression, and gastric colonization are cholesterol-dependent Hildebrandt, Ellen
9 1 artikel
124 High-level chromate resistance in Arthrobacter sp. strain FB24 requires previously uncharacterized accessory genes Henne, Kristene L
9 1 artikel
125 Human parainfluenza virus type 2 (HPIV2) induced host ADAM8 expression in human salivary adenocarcinoma cell line (HSY) during cell fusion Ma, Guo-Feng
9 1 artikel
126 Identification and characterization of intervening sequences within 23S rRNA genes from more than 200 Campylobacter isolates from seven species including atypical campylobacters Tazumi, Akihiro
9 1 artikel
127 Identification of a bacteriocin and its cognate immunity factor expressed by Moraxella catarrhalis Attia, Ahmed S
9 1 artikel
128 Identification of Archaea-specific chemotaxis proteins which interact with the flagellar apparatus Schlesner, Matthias
9 1 artikel
129 Identification of genes coding for B cell antigens of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides Small Colony (MmmSC) by using phage display Miltiadou, Dubravka R
9 1 artikel
130 Identification of network topological units coordinating the global expression response to glucose in Bacillus subtilis and its comparison to Escherichia coli Vázquez, Carlos Daniel
9 1 artikel
131 Identification of salivary mucin MUC7 binding proteins from Streptococcus gordonii Kesimer, Mehmet
9 1 artikel
132 Identification of two GH18 chitinase family genes and their use as targets for detection of the crayfish-plague oomycete Aphanomyces astaci Hochwimmer, Gerald
9 1 artikel
133 Immunoproteomic analysis of outer membrane proteins and extracellular proteins of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae JL03 serotype 3 Liao, Yonghong
9 1 artikel
134 Inactivation of staphylococcal virulence factors using a light-activated antimicrobial agent Tubby, Sarah
9 1 artikel
135 Inactivation of the fliY gene encoding a flagellar motor switch protein attenuates mobility and virulence of Leptospira interrogans strain Lai Liao, Sumei
9 1 artikel
136 Inducible expression of beta defensins by human respiratory epithelial cells exposed to Aspergillus fumigatus organisms Alekseeva, Ludmila
9 1 artikel
137 Induction of a chemoattractant transcriptional response by a Campylobacter jejuni boiled cell extract in colonocytes Mellits, Kenneth H
9 1 artikel
138 Influences of naturally occurring agents in combination with fluoride on gene expression and structural organization of Streptococcus mutans in biofilms Jeon, Jae-Gyu
9 1 artikel
139 Intracellular Mycoplasma genitalium infection of human vaginal and cervical epithelial cells elicits distinct patterns of inflammatory cytokine secretion and provides a possible survival niche against macrophage-mediated killing McGowin, Chris L
9 1 artikel
140 Invasiveness as a putative additional virulence mechanism of some atypical Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains with different uncommon intimin types Yamamoto, Denise
9 1 artikel
141 In vitro modeling of host-parasite interactions: the 'subgingival' biofilm challenge of primary human epithelial cells Guggenheim, Bernhard
9 1 artikel
142 In vivo killing of Staphylococcus aureus using a light-activated antimicrobial agent Zolfaghari, Parjam S
9 1 artikel
143 Involvement of RNA-binding protein Hfq in the osmotic-response regulation of invE gene expression in Shigella sonnei Mitobe, Jiro
9 1 artikel
144 Involvement of SPI-2-encoded SpiC in flagellum synthesis in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Uchiya, Kei-ichi
9 1 artikel
145 Isolation and characterization of Mycobacterium bovis strains from indigenous Zambian cattle using Spacer oligonucleotide typing technique Munyeme, Musso
9 1 artikel
146 Isolation of Cronobacter spp. (formerly Enterobacter sakazakii) from infant food, herbs and environmental samples and the subsequent identification and confirmation of the isolates using biochemical, chromogenic assays, PCR and 16S rRNA sequencing Jaradat, Ziad W
9 1 artikel
147 Isothermal micro calorimetry – a new method for MIC determinations: results for 12 antibiotics and reference strains of E. coli and S. aureus von Ah, Ueli
9 1 artikel
148 Klebsiella pneumoniae triggers a cytotoxic effect on airway epithelial cells Cano, Victoria
9 1 artikel
149 Lab on a chip genotyping for Brucella spp. based on 15-loci multi locus VNTR analysis De Santis, Riccardo
9 1 artikel
150 Large scale multiplex PCR improves pathogen detection by DNA microarrays Palka-Santini, Maria
9 1 artikel
151 Longitudinal analysis of the vaginal microflora in pregnancy suggests that L. crispatus promotes the stability of the normal vaginal microflora and that L. gasseri and/or L. iners are more conducive to the occurrence of abnormal vaginal microflora Verstraelen, Hans
9 1 artikel
152 L. plantarum prevents Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli-induced tight junction proteins changes in intestinal epithelial cells Qin, Huanlong
9 1 artikel
153 malT knockout mutation invokes a stringent type gene-expression profile in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae in bronchoalveolar fluid Lone, Abdul G
9 1 artikel
154 Mechanism of protonophores-mediated induction of heat-shock response in Escherichia coli Jana, Bimal
9 1 artikel
155 Melanin is an essential component for the integrity of the cell wall of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia Pihet, Marc
9 1 artikel
156 Metabolic fluxes in the central carbon metabolism of Dinoroseobacter shibae and Phaeobacter gallaeciensis, two members of the marine Roseobacter clade Fürch, Tobias
9 1 artikel
157 Metapopulation structure for perpetuation of Francisella tularensis tularensis Goethert, Heidi K
9 1 artikel
158 Microflora of the penile skin-lined neovagina of transsexual women Weyers, Steven
9 1 artikel
159 MLVA distribution characteristics of Yersinia pestis in China and the correlation analysis Zhang, Xiaoai
9 1 artikel
160 MLVA-16 typing of 295 marine mammal Brucella isolates from different animal and geographic origins identifies 7 major groups within Brucella ceti and Brucella pinnipedialis Maquart, Marianne
9 1 artikel
161 Mobile genetic elements in the genome of the beneficial rhizobacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 Mavrodi, Dmitri V
9 1 artikel
162 Molecular and biochemical characterization of urease and survival of Yersinia enterocolitica biovar 1A in acidic pH in vitro Bhagat, Neeru
9 1 artikel
163 Molecular beacon-based real-time PCR detection of primary isolates of Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis in environmental and clinical samples Hadjinicolaou, Andreas V
9 1 artikel
164 Molecular characterisation of Vibrio cholerae O1 strains carrying an SXT/R391-like element from cholera outbreaks in Kenya: 1994-2007 Kiiru, John N
9 1 artikel
165 Molecular characterization of a fungal gene paralogue of the penicillin penDE gene of Penicillium chrysogenum García-Estrada, Carlos
9 1 artikel
166 Molecular features of heterogeneous vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bacteremic patients Maor, Yasmin
9 1 artikel
167 Mosquito immune responses and compatibility between Plasmodium parasites and anopheline mosquitoes Jaramillo-Gutierrez, Giovanna
9 1 artikel
168 msbB deletion confers acute sensitivity to CO2 in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium that can be suppressed by a loss-of-function mutation in zwf Karsten, Verena
9 1 artikel
169 Multilocus sequence typing of Cronobacter sakazakii and Cronobacter malonaticus reveals stable clonal structures with clinical significance which do not correlate with biotypes Baldwin, Adam
9 1 artikel
170 Multilocus sequence typing supports the hypothesis that Ochrobactrum anthropi displays a human-associated subpopulation Romano, Sara
9 1 artikel
171 Multilocus variable-number tandem repeat analysis for molecular typing and phylogenetic analysis of Shigella flexneri Wang, You-Wun
9 1 artikel
172 Multiple factors interact to produce responses resembling spectrum of human disease in Campylobacter jejuni infected C57BL/6 IL-10-/- mice Bell, Julia A
9 1 artikel
173 Multiple recombinants in two dengue virus, serotype-2 isolates from patients from Oaxaca, Mexico Perez-Ramirez, Gerardo
9 1 artikel
174 MyBASE: a database for genome polymorphism and gene function studies of Mycobacterium Zhu, Xinxing
9 1 artikel
175 Mycoplasma pneumoniae and/or Chlamydophila pneumoniae inoculation causing different aggravations in cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis in apoE KO male mice Damy, Sueli B
9 1 artikel
176 New genes of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri involved in pathogenesis and adaptation revealed by a transposon-based mutant library Laia, Marcelo L
9 1 artikel
177 NF-κB activation by Helicobacter pylori requires Akt-mediated phosphorylation of p65 Takeshima, Eriko
9 1 artikel
178 Novel Tn4371-ICE like element in Ralstonia pickettii and Genome mining for comparative elements Ryan, Michael P
9 1 artikel
179 Occurrence and enumeration of Campylobacter spp. during the processing of Chilean broilers Figueroa, Guillermo
9 1 artikel
180 Occurrence of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis across host species and European countries with evidence for transmission between wildlife and domestic ruminants Stevenson, Karen
9 1 artikel
181 Oleate lipase activity in Gardnerella vaginalis and reconsideration of existing biotype schemes Moncla, Bernard J
9 1 artikel
182 Organic acid production in vitro and plant growth promotion in maize under controlled environment by phosphate-solubilizing fluorescent Pseudomonas Vyas, Pratibha
9 1 artikel
183 Outer membrane porin M35 of Moraxella catarrhalis mediates susceptibility to aminopenicillins Jetter, Marion
9 1 artikel
184 Outer membrane vesicle-mediated release of cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) from Campylobacter jejuni Lindmark, Barbro
9 1 artikel
185 Outer Membrane Vesicles of Helicobacter pylori TK1402 are Involved in Biofilm Formation Yonezawa, Hideo
9 1 artikel
186 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis pancreatic destruction in Calomys callosus experimentally infected Fortes, Rogério M
9 1 artikel
187 Pathway analysis for intracellular Porphyromonas gingivalis using a strain ATCC 33277 specific database Hendrickson, Erik L
9 1 artikel
188 Performance of optimized McRAPD in identification of 9 yeast species frequently isolated from patient samples: potential for automation Trtkova, Jitka
9 1 artikel
189 Persistence of colicinogenic Escherichia coli in the mouse gastrointestinal tract Gillor, Osnat
9 1 artikel
190 Pherotypes are driving genetic differentiation within Streptococcus pneumoniae Carrolo, Margarida
9 1 artikel
191 Photonic plasmid stability of transformed Salmonella Typhimurium: A comparison of three unique plasmids Moulton, Keesla
9 1 artikel
192 Phylum Verrucomicrobia representatives share a compartmentalized cell plan with members of bacterial phylum Planctomycetes Lee, Kuo-Chang
9 1 artikel
193 piggyBac is an effective tool for functional analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum genome Balu, Bharath
9 1 artikel
194 Pleiotropic effects of the twin-arginine translocation system on biofilm formation, colonization, and virulence in Vibrio cholerae Zhang, Lijuan
9 1 artikel
195 Polymorphism and selection of rpoS in pathogenic Escherichia coli Dong, Tao
9 1 artikel
196 Polymorphism in the flanking regions of the PbGP43 gene from the human pathogen Paracoccidioides brasiliensis: search for protein binding sequences and poly(A) cleavage sites Rocha, Antonio A
9 1 artikel
197 Population diversity and antibody selective pressure to Plasmodium falciparum MSP1 block2 locus in an African malaria-endemic setting Noranate, Nitchakarn
9 1 artikel
198 Population structure of Helicobacter pylori among ethnic groups in Malaysia: recent acquisition of the bacterium by the Malay population Tay, Chin Yen
9 1 artikel
199 Porphyromonas gingivalis induce apoptosis in human gingival epithelial cells through a gingipain-dependent mechanism Stathopoulou, Panagiota G
9 1 artikel
200 PpoR is a conserved unpaired LuxR solo of Pseudomonas putida which binds N-acyl homoserine lactones Subramoni, Sujatha
9 1 artikel
201 Probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri biofilms produce antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory factors Jones, Sara E
9 1 artikel
202 Production and characterization of recombinant pertactin, fimbriae 2 and fimbriae 3 from Bordetella pertussis Xu, Yinghua
9 1 artikel
203 Promoter analysis of macrophage- and tick cell-specific differentially expressed Ehrlichia chaffeensis p28-Omp genes Peddireddi, Lalitha
9 1 artikel
204 Proteins involved in difference of sorbitol fermentation rates of the toxigenic and nontoxigenic Vibrio cholerae El Tor strains revealed by comparative proteome analysis Wang, Ruibai
9 1 artikel
205 Proteome analysis of Aspergillus niger: Lactate added in starch-containing medium can increase production of the mycotoxin fumonisin B2 by modifying acetyl-CoA metabolism Sørensen, Louise M
9 1 artikel
206 Proteomics of Porphyromonas gingivalis within a model oral microbial community Kuboniwa, Masae
9 1 artikel
207 Pseudomonas aeruginosa vesicles associate with and are internalized by human lung epithelial cells Bauman, Susanne J
9 1 artikel
208 Quantitative proteomics of nutrient limitation in the hydrogenotrophic methanogen Methanococcus maripaludis Xia, Qiangwei
9 1 artikel
209 Quelling targets the rDNA locus and functions in rDNA copy number control Cecere, Germano
9 1 artikel
210 Rapid assessment of the effect of ciprofloxacin on chromosomal DNA from Escherichia coli using an in situ DNA fragmentation assay Tamayo, María
9 1 artikel
211 Rapid detection of ERG11 gene mutations in clinical Candida albicans isolates with reduced susceptibility to fluconazole by rolling circle amplification and DNA sequencing Wang, Huiping
9 1 artikel
212 Rapid detection of laboratory cross-contamination with Mycobacterium tuberculosis using multispacer sequence typing Djelouadji, Zoheira
9 1 artikel
213 Rapid identification of bacterial pathogens using a PCR- and microarray-based assay Järvinen, Anna-Kaarina
9 1 artikel
214 Recombinant porcine rotavirus VP4 and VP4-LTB expressed in Lactobacillus casei induced mucosal and systemic antibody responses in mice Qiao, Xinyuan
9 1 artikel
215 Regulation of phenylacetic acid degradation genes of Burkholderia cenocepacia K56-2 Hamlin, Jason NR
9 1 artikel
216 Response of Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579 to challenges with sublethal concentrations of enterocin AS-48 Grande Burgos, María J
9 1 artikel
217 Reverse genetics through random mutagenesis in Histoplasma capsulatum Youseff, Brian H
9 1 artikel
218 Role of sgcR3 in positive regulation of enediyne antibiotic C-1027 production of Streptomyces globisporus C-1027 Wang, Lifei
9 1 artikel
219 Role of subtyping in detecting Salmonella cross contamination in the laboratory De Lappe, Niall
9 1 artikel
220 Role of the ArcAB two-component system in the resistance of Escherichia coli to reactive oxygen stress Loui, Cindy
9 1 artikel
221 RotaC: A web-based tool for the complete genome classification of group A rotaviruses Maes, Piet
9 1 artikel
222 RpoE fine tunes expression of a subset of SsrB-regulated virulence factors in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Osborne, Suzanne E
9 1 artikel
223 Secretion of flagellin by the LEE-encoded type III secretion system of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Badea, Luminita
9 1 artikel
224 Sequence analysis of percent G+C fraction libraries of human faecal bacterial DNA reveals a high number of Actinobacteria Krogius-Kurikka, Lotta
9 1 artikel
225 Short hairpin RNA-mediated knockdown of protein expression in Entamoeba histolytica Linford, Alicia S
9 1 artikel
226 Simultaneous differential detection of Chlamydophila abortus, Chlamydophila pecorum and Coxiella burnetii from aborted ruminant's clinical samples using multiplex PCR Berri, Mustapha
9 1 artikel
227 Small molecule inhibitors of the Yersinia type III secretion system impair the development of Chlamydia after entry into host cells Muschiol, Sandra
9 1 artikel
228 Some putative prebiotics increase the severity of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection in mice Petersen, Anne
9 1 artikel
229 Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation at the physiologic glucose concentration depends on the S. aureus lineage Croes, Sander
9 1 artikel
230 Staphylococcus aureus immunodominant surface antigen B is a cell-surface associated nucleic acid binding protein Mackey-Lawrence, Nicole M
9 1 artikel
231 Staphylococcus epidermidis strains isolated from breast milk of women suffering infectious mastitis: potential virulence traits and resistance to antibiotics Delgado, Susana
9 1 artikel
232 Statistical characterization of the GxxxG glycine repeats in the flagellar biosynthesis protein FliH and its Type III secretion homologue YscL Trost, Brett
9 1 artikel
233 Structural analysis of the full-length gene encoding a fibronectin-binding-like protein (CadF) and its adjacent genetic loci within Campylobacter lari Hirayama, Junichi
9 1 artikel
234 Subgingival bacterial colonization profiles correlate with gingival tissue gene expression Papapanou, Panos N
9 1 artikel
235 Suppression of RNA interference increases alphavirus replication and virus-associated mortality in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes Cirimotich, Chris M
9 1 artikel
236 Surface proteins that promote adherence of Staphylococcus aureus to human desquamated nasal epithelial cells Corrigan, Rebecca M
9 1 artikel
237 Susceptibility of Pediococcus isolates to antimicrobial compounds in relation to hop-resistance and beer-spoilage Haakensen, Monique
9 1 artikel
238 Synergistic effect of imp/ostA and msbA in hydrophobic drug resistance of Helicobacter pylori Chiu, Hung-Chuan
9 1 artikel
239 Synergy between type 1 fimbriae expression and C3 opsonisation increases internalisation of E. coli by human tubular epithelial cells Li, Ke
9 1 artikel
240 Temporal and spatial patterns of bovine Escherichia coli O157 prevalence and comparison of temporal changes in the patterns of phage types associated with bovine shedding and human E. coli O157 cases in Scotland between 1998-2000 and 2002-2004 Pearce, Michael C
9 1 artikel
241 The antimicrobial effect of Octenidine-dihydrochloride coated polymer tracheotomy tubes on Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonisation Zumtobel, Michaela
9 1 artikel
242 The association of CD81 with tetraspanin-enriched microdomains is not essential for Hepatitis C virus entry Rocha-Perugini, Vera
9 1 artikel
243 The chlamydial functional homolog of KsgA confers kasugamycin sensitivity to Chlamydia trachomatis and impacts bacterial fitness Binet, Rachel
9 1 artikel
244 The commonly-used DNA probe for diffusely-adherent Escherichia coli cross-reacts with a subset of enteroaggregative E. coli Snelling, Anna M
9 1 artikel
245 The effect of bacteriophages T4 and HAP1 on in vitro melanoma migration Dąbrowska, Krystyna
9 1 artikel
246 The effect of the macrolide antibiotic tylosin on microbial diversity in the canine small intestine as demonstrated by massive parallel 16S rRNA gene sequencing Suchodolski, Jan S
9 1 artikel
247 The Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio of the human microbiota changes with age Mariat, D
9 1 artikel
248 The genome sequence of Geobacter metallireducens: features of metabolism, physiology and regulation common and dissimilar to Geobacter sulfurreducens Aklujkar, Muktak
9 1 artikel
249 The hemolytic and cytolytic activities of Serratia marcescens phospholipase A (PhlA) depend on lysophospholipid production by PhlA Shimuta, Ken
9 1 artikel
250 The highly conserved serine threonine kinase StkP of Streptococcus pneumoniae contributes to penicillin susceptibility independently from genes encoding penicillin-binding proteins Dias, Ricardo
9 1 artikel
251 The low-affinity phosphate transporter PitA is dispensable for in vitro growth of Mycobacterium smegmatis Gebhard, Susanne
9 1 artikel
252 The malate synthase of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a linked surface protein that behaves as an anchorless adhesin da Silva Neto, Benedito Rodrigues
9 1 artikel
253 The outcome of Cryptococcus neoformans intracellular pathogenesis in human monocytes Alvarez, Mauricio
9 1 artikel
254 The PhoBR two-component system regulates antibiotic biosynthesis in Serratia in response to phosphate Gristwood, Tamzin
9 1 artikel
255 The Salmonella Pathogenicity Island (SPI) 1 contributes more than SPI2 to the colonization of the chicken by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Dieye, Yakhya
9 1 artikel
256 The tep1 gene of Sinorhizobium meliloti coding for a putative transmembrane efflux protein and N-acetyl glucosamine affect nod gene expression and nodulation of alfalfa plants van Dillewijn, Pieter
9 1 artikel
257 The time course of the transcriptomic response of Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 following a shift to acidic pH Hellweg, Christoph
9 1 artikel
258 The Trypanosoma cruzi nucleic acid binding protein Tc38 presents changes in the intramitochondrial distribution during the cell cycle Duhagon, María A
9 1 artikel
259 The use of antibiotics to improve phage detection and enumeration by the double-layer agar technique Santos, Sílvio B
9 1 artikel
260 Topological analysis of a haloacid permease of a Burkholderia sp. bacterium with a PhoA-LacZ reporter Tse, Yuk Man
9 1 artikel
261 Transcriptional analysis of ESAT-6 cluster 3 in Mycobacterium smegmatis Maciąg, Anna
9 1 artikel
262 Transcriptional analysis of the jamaicamide gene cluster from the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula and identification of possible regulatory proteins Jones, Adam C
9 1 artikel
263 Transcriptional profile of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola NPS3121 in response to tissue extracts from a susceptible Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivar Hernández-Morales, Alejandro
9 1 artikel
264 Transcriptional profiling avian beta-defensins in chicken oviduct epithelial cells before and after infection with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis Ebers, Katie L
9 1 artikel
265 Transcription profiles of hydrogenases related genes in the cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula CCAP 1446/4 Ferreira, Daniela
9 1 artikel
266 Transcriptome and proteome analyses of adaptive responses to methyl methanesulfonate in Escherichia coli K-12 and ada mutant strains Baek, Jong Hwan
9 1 artikel
267 Transcriptomic and metabolic responses of Staphylococcus aureus exposed to supra-physiological temperatures Fleury, Bénédicte
9 1 artikel
268 Typing Clostridium difficile strains based on tandem repeat sequences Zaiß, N Henning
9 1 artikel
269 Ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny of Calkinsia aureus: cellular identity of a novel clade of deep-sea euglenozoans with epibiotic bacteria Yubuki, Naoji
9 1 artikel
270 Use of colony-based bacterial strain typing for tracking the fate of Lactobacillus strains during human consumption Mahenthiralingam, Eshwar
9 1 artikel
271 Use of in vivo-induced antigen technology (IVIAT) for the identification of Streptococcus suis serotype 2 in vivo-induced bacterial protein antigens Gu, Hongwei
9 1 artikel
272 Use of nfsB, encoding nitroreductase, as a reporter gene to determine the mutational spectrum of spontaneous mutations in Neisseria gonorrhoeae Stein, Daniel C
9 1 artikel
273 Validation of a same-day real-time PCR method for screening of meat and carcass swabs for Salmonella Löfström, Charlotta
9 1 artikel
274 Variations in amount of TSST-1 produced by clinical methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates and allelic variation in accessory gene regulator (agr) locus Nagao, Miki
9 1 artikel
275 Virulence potential of five major pathogenicity islands (SPI-1 to SPI-5) of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis for chickens Rychlik, Ivan
9 1 artikel
276 Virus variation resources at the National Center for Biotechnology Information: dengue virus Resch, Wolfgang
9 1 artikel
277 Visualization of ribosomal RNA operon copy number distribution Rastogi, Rajat
9 1 artikel
278 Whole genome single nucleotide polymorphism based phylogeny of Francisella tularensis and its application to the development of a strain typing assay Pandya, Gagan A
9 1 artikel
279 Yersinia outer protein YopE affects the actin cytoskeleton in Dictyostelium discoideum through targeting of multiple Rho family GTPases Vlahou, Georgia
9 1 artikel
280 YsxC, an essential protein in Staphylococcus aureus crucial for ribosome assembly/stability Cooper, Elizabeth L
9 1 artikel
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