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                             6 results found
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1 A systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of physical examination for the detection of cirrhosis de Bruyn, Guy
1 1 article
2 Clinical outcomes resulting from telemedicine interventions: a systematic review Hersh, William R
1 1 article
3 Computerized clinical documentation system in the pediatric intensive care unit Menke, James A
1 1 article
4 Identifying patient preferences for communicating risk estimates: A descriptive pilot study Fortin, Jennifer M
1 1 article
5 Improving question formulation for use in evidence appraisal in a tertiary care setting: a randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN66375463] Villanueva, Elmer V
1 1 article
6 The health care information directive Upshur, Ross EG
1 1 article
                             6 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands