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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Comparison of DNA histograms by standard flow cytometry and image cytometry on sections in Barrett's adenocarcinoma Huang, Qin
8 1 artikel
2 Derivation and internal validation of an equation for albumin-adjusted calcium James, Matthew T
8 1 artikel
3 External quality assurance as a revalidation method for pathologists in pediatric histopathology: Comparison of four international programs Sergi, Consolato
8 1 artikel
4 Immunophenotypic studies of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance Olteanu, Horatiu
8 1 artikel
5 Infrared micro-spectral imaging: distinction of tissue types in axillary lymph node histology Bird, Benjamin
8 1 artikel
6 Pathology of rituximab-induced Kaposi sarcoma flare Pantanowitz, Liron
8 1 artikel
7 Population-based study of diagnostic assays for Borrelia infection: comparison of purified flagella antigen assay (Ideia™, Dako Cytomation) and recombinant antigen assay (Liaison®, DiaSorin) Petersen, Eskild
8 1 artikel
8 Preservation of biomolecules in breast cancer tissue by a formalin-free histology system Nassiri, Mehdi
8 1 artikel
9 Serum S100B levels after meningioma surgery: A comparison of two laboratory assays Einav, Sharon
8 1 artikel
10 Testing for hereditary thrombophilia: a retrospective analysis of testing referred to a national laboratory Jackson, Brian R
8 1 artikel
11 The calcium-binding protein S100P in normal and malignant human tissues Parkkila, Seppo
8 1 artikel
12 Tiling array-CGH for the assessment of genomic similarities among synchronous unilateral and bilateral invasive breast cancer tumor pairs Brommesson, Sara
8 1 artikel
13 Use of cultivation-dependent and -independent techniques to assess contamination of central venous catheters: a pilot study Larsen, Mette KS
8 1 artikel
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland