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                             59 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abstracts 7th PCNE working symposium ‘Right questions, valid answers’. 6–8 February 2020, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands
42 2 p. 813-831
2 A clinical audit of oral anticoagulant therapy in aged care residents with atrial fibrillation Bernaitis, Nijole

42 2 p. 474-481
3 Ambulatory care pharmacy practice in China: status and future efforts Zhang, Lu

42 2 p. 321-325
4 A modified olanzapine-based anti-emetic regimen for the control of nausea and vomiting in patients receiving weekly cisplatin Mehra, Nikita

42 2 p. 662-666
5 Antibiotic de-escalation on internal medicine services with rounding pharmacists compared to services without Ford, Bethany A.

42 2 p. 772-776
6 Appropriateness of empirical antibiotics: risk factors of adult patients with sepsis in the ICU Al-Sunaidar, Khalid Ahmad

42 2 p. 527-538
7 Aromatase inhibitors associated osteonecrosis of jaw: signal refining to identify pseudo safety signals Neha, Reddy

42 2 p. 721-727
8 A scoping review of polypharmacy interventions in patients with stroke, heart disease and diabetes Lum, Matthew V.

42 2 p. 378-392
9 Bullous pemphigoid associated with the use of dipeptidil peptidase-4 inhibitors: analysis from studies based on pharmacovigilance databases Molina-Guarneros, Juan A.

42 2 p. 713-720
10 Combating drug shortages in China: surveillance warning and practice standardization Shi, Yin

42 2 p. 309-314
11 Community pharmacists’ perceptions, attitudes and barriers towards pharmacist-led minor ailment services in Malaysia Selvaraj, Amutha

42 2 p. 777-785
12 Community pharmacy sales of non-prescribed antibiotics in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: a simulated patient study Al-Tannir, Mohamad

42 2 p. 341-346
13 Comparison of drug survival between infliximab and adalimumab in inflammatory bowel disease Gil-Candel, Mayte

42 2 p. 500-507
14 Correlation between haemoglobin level and type of erythropoiesis-stimulating agent at initiation of haemodialysis Higashiura, Masaki

42 2 p. 635-641
15 Development and psychometric evaluation of the patient’s HIV knowledge questionnaire (PHKQ) Jackson, Idongesit L.

42 2 p. 695-702
16 Doctors’ perceptions, expectations and experience regarding the role of pharmacist in hospital settings of Pakistan Khan, Nabeel

42 2 p. 549-566
17 Drug-related problems and pharmacy interventions in non-prescription medication, with a focus on high-risk over-the-counter medications Ylä-Rautio, Hanna

42 2 p. 786-795
18 Effectiveness of pharmacist intervention model for chronic kidney disease patients; a prospective comparative study Khokhar, Aisha

42 2 p. 625-634
19 Effect of health professional intervention on adherence to statin use according to the cause of patient non-adherence Oñatibia-Astibia, Ainhoa

42 2 p. 331-335
20 Effects of generic exchange of solid oral dosage forms in neurological disorders: a systematic review Weitzel, Johanna

42 2 p. 393-417
21 Evaluation of a program of pharmaceutical counseling for French patients on oral anticoagulant therapy Roseau, C.

42 2 p. 685-694
22 Exploring pharmacy ethics in developing countries: a scoping review Fino, Leen B.

42 2 p. 418-435
23 Gap between patient expectation and perception during pharmacist–patient communication at community pharmacy Kim, Myeong Gyu

42 2 p. 677-684
24 High-risk nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribing in primary care: results from National Medical Care Survey Malaysia Hwong, Wen Yea

42 2 p. 489-499
25 Home medicines reviews and residential medication management reviews in Western Australia Czarniak, Petra

42 2 p. 567-578
26 Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis suppression by inhaled or nasal corticosteroids in HIV-infected patients Besemer, Femke

42 2 p. 347-350
27 Impact of chemotherapy schedule modification on breast cancer patients: a single-centre retrospective study Gunasekaran, Gobi Hariyanayagam

42 2 p. 642-651
28 Impact of HIV and chronic kidney disease comorbidities on hepatitis C treatment choices, drug–drug interactions and hepatitis C cure Ali, Salamat

42 2 p. 515-526
29 Improving patient safety through a pharmacist-led medication reconciliation programme in nursing homes for the elderly in Spain Koprivnik, Sandra

42 2 p. 805-812
30 Incidence of muscle relaxant use in relation to diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease Paakinaho, Anne

42 2 p. 336-340
31 Influence of pharmaceutical promotion on prescribers in Jordan Altawalbeh, Shoroq M.

42 2 p. 744-755
32 Ketogenic diet: a pharmaceutical guide for the management of drug therapy in the pediatric population Nisse, Yann-Eric

42 2 p. 326-330
33 Knowledge and practices of community pharmacists towards non-prescription dispensing of antibiotics in Northern Nigeria Abubakar, Usman

42 2 p. 756-764
34 Medication exposure and frailty in older community-dwelling patients: a cross-sectional study Reallon, Elsa

42 2 p. 508-514
35 Oral levetiracetam for prevention of busulfan-induced seizures in adult hematopoietic cell transplant Chaguaceda, Cristian

42 2 p. 351-354
36 Orodispersible films as a personalized dosage form for nursing home residents, an exploratory study Visser, J. Carolina

42 2 p. 436-444
37 Pharmaceutical care services available in Danish community pharmacies Abrahamsen, Bjarke

42 2 p. 315-320
38 Pharmacy and therapeutics committees strategy to address olmesartan safety issues at a primary care level Rovira-Illamola, Marina

42 2 p. 737-743
39 Population pharmacokinetics of busulfan in Saudi pediatric patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Alsultan, Abdullah

42 2 p. 703-712
40 Potentially inappropriate medications in Chinese community-dwelling older adults Huang, Yamin

42 2 p. 598-603
41 Prescribing errors in pediatric outpatient department at a tertiary care hospital in Malaysia Lee, Jian Lynn

42 2 p. 604-609
42 Prescription of potentially inappropriate medications in elderly outpatients: a survey using 2015 Japanese Guidelines Fujie, Keiko

42 2 p. 579-587
43 Prevalence and risk factors of drug-related problems identified in pharmacy-based medication reviews Sell, Raphael

42 2 p. 588-597
44 Prevalence of anticholinergic burden and risk factors amongst the older population: analysis of insurance claims data of Korean patients Jun, Kwanghee

42 2 p. 453-461
45 Providing pharmacy services at cabin hospitals at the coronavirus epicenter in China Meng, Long

42 2 p. 305-308
46 Providing pharmacy services during the coronavirus pandemic Liu, Shao

42 2 p. 299-304
47 Quality assessment and cost saving of renal dosing recommendation by clinical pharmacists at medical wards in Thailand Sukkha, Sayamon

42 2 p. 610-616
48 Questionnaires on adherence to antihypertensive treatment: a systematic review of published questionnaires and their psychometric properties Pareja-Martínez, Elisa

42 2 p. 355-365
49 Risk of major bleeding in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation on direct oral anticoagulants: real world experience Šinigoj, Petra

42 2 p. 445-452
50 Significance of a clinical pharmacist-led comprehensive medication management program for hospitalized oncology patients Umar, Rashida Muhammad

42 2 p. 652-661
51 Survey of healthcare professionals’ practices, expectations, and attitudes towards provision of patient information leaflets in Thailand Jarernsiripornkul, Narumol

42 2 p. 539-548
52 The effect of inpatient pharmaceutical care on nephrotic syndrome patients after discharge: a randomized controlled trial Yin, Donghong

42 2 p. 617-624
53 The impact of a computerised decision support system on antibiotic usage in an English hospital Al Bahar, F.

42 2 p. 765-771
54 The impact of the clinical pharmacist-led interventions in China: A systematic review and Meta-Analysis Qin, Si-bei

42 2 p. 366-377
55 The quality assessment of the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database using vigiGrade Tsuchiya, Masami

42 2 p. 728-736
56 The role of clinical pharmacist trainees in medication reconciliation process at hospital admission Guo, Qian

42 2 p. 796-804
57 Translation and psychometric validation of a Danish version of the medication-related quality of life scale Lech, Laura Victoria Jedig

42 2 p. 667-676
58 Trends of antihypertensive agents in patients with hypertension and coronary artery disease in a tertiary hospital of China Zheng, Yingming

42 2 p. 482-488
59 Unfractionated heparin dosing in obese patients George, Christopher

42 2 p. 462-473
                             59 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland