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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Carbon Budget in the Ecosystems of Virgin Spruce Forests in the Middle Taiga Bobkova, K. S.

13 5 p. 506-520
2 Degradation of Coral Reefs under Complex Impact of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors with Nha Trang Bay (Vietnam) as an Example Tkachenko, K. S.

13 5 p. 442-459
3 General Patterns of Salinity Influence on the Energy Balance of Aquatic Animals in Hypersaline Environment Anufriieva, E. V.

13 5 p. 420-430
4 Genetic Diversity of the Eastern Subspecies of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in Russia Revealed by mtDNA and Microsatellite Polymorphism Golosova, O. S.

13 5 p. 482-494
5 Joint Dynamics of Cowberry and Bilberry Populations in Preserved Post-Fire Pine Forests: Retrospective Forecast within the Markov Model Maslov, A. A.

13 5 p. 408-419
6 Morphological Diversity of Icosahedral Viruses Voytekhovsky, Yu. L.

13 5 p. 460-468
7 On the Nature of the Development of Natural Endogenous Hypoxic States in Aquatic Organisms Soldatov, A. A.

13 5 p. 431-441
8 Phytoplankton Communities in the Southeastern Barents Sea and the Southwestern Kara Sea as Indicators of the Phytogeographic Status of These Regions Makarevich, P. R.

13 5 p. 469-481
9 Potential of Multifractal Analysis for Characterizing Movements of Biological Objects Zaitseva, N. V.

13 5 p. 495-505
10 The Dynamics of the Orchid Flora of Russia as Revealed by Comparison of the Data before 1951 and in 1961–2010 Efimov, P. G.

13 5 p. 521-536
11 What Determines the Life Span of a Species? Novikov, E. A.

13 5 p. 383-396
12 What Is Common between Ecology and Nuclear Physics: A Random Matrix Model for the Distribution of Trees in a Stand by Inventory Data Soukhovolsky, V. G.

13 5 p. 397-407
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland