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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A New Approach to the Stimulation of the Body’s Defense Systems with Low Radiation Doses Mikhailov, V. F.

10 6 p. 475-482
2 Bacterial FOF1 ATP: Nanomotor for ATP Synthesis and Hydrolysis and Mechanism of Interaction with the Macrolide Antibiotic Oligomycin A Vatlin, A. A.

10 6 p. 483-494
3 Brain Astrocytes and Synaptic Dissonance: Neurodegenerative and Mental Pathology Gomazkov, O. A.

10 6 p. 526-533
4 Correction of the Taxonomic Composition of Human Gut Microbiota: Serine-Threonine Protein Kinases as Biotargets Zakharevich, N. V.

10 6 p. 495-506
5 Ecological Genetics and Modern Problems of the Biosphere Zakharov, I. A.

10 6 p. 543-550
6 Fifty Years of Fundamental Ecology in Russia: Quantitative Insight into the Thematic Structure of Studies Rizhinashvili, A. L.

10 6 p. 551-559
7 Genes of Aminoglycoside Phosphotransferases in Soil Bacteria of the Streptomyces Genus Rudakova, N. N.

10 6 p. 507-519
8 The Actinobacterial mce Operon: Structure and Functions Zaychikova, M. V.

10 6 p. 520-525
9 Unorthodox Phenomena of Clinical Immunology Zemskov, A. M.

10 6 p. 534-542
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland