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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Age-Related Changes and Loss of Damage Resistance of Kidney Tissue: The Role of a Decrease in the Number of Kidney Resident Progenitor Cells Buyan, M. I.

13 3 p. 116-122
2 Current Data on the Age-Related Macular Degeneration Pathophysiology: Focus on Growth Factors and Neurotrophins Fursova, A. Zh.

13 3 p. 105-115
3 Demographic Indicators of Probability Models Shilovsky, G. A.

13 3 p. 164-177
4 Mechanisms of Neurocognitive Adaptation during Aging Process Cherdak, M. A.

13 3 p. 123-129
5 The Rate of Aging and Its Association with Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases Akopyan, A. A.

13 3 p. 148-155
6 The Role of Kynurenine Pathway Metabolites in the Development of Frailty in Older Adults Pykhtina, V. S.

13 3 p. 138-147
7 The Role of the Serotonin Pathway of Tryptophan Metabolism in the Development of Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease Fomin, A. S.

13 3 p. 130-137
8 Vascular Aging and Telomere Biology: On the Role of Vitamin D3 Deficiency Dudinskaya, E. N.

13 3 p. 156-163
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland