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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Association between Telomere Length and Geriatric Status in Centenarians Eruslanova, K. A.

13 2 p. 99-103
2 Basic Epigenetic Mechanisms of Aging Strazhesko, I. D.

13 2 p. 78-83
3 Brain Aging Cherdak, M. A.

13 2 p. 70-77
4 Geroprotective Effect of the Mitochondrial-Targeted Antioxidant SkQBerb in a Model of the Chronological Aging of MB135 Human Myoblasts Chelombitko, M. A.

13 2 p. 94-98
5 Influence of AMPK on the Functioning of the Circadian Clock and Its Possible Role in the Development of Age-Related Metabolic Disorders Morgunova, G. V.

13 2 p. 54-61
6 Patterns of Expression of the Key Genes of the BDNF System and Serotonin Receptors in the Brain of OXYS Rats in the Development of the Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease Alsallum, M.

13 2 p. 84-93
7 Reductionism and Holism in the History of Aging and Longevity Research: Does the Whole Have Parts? Part 2. The Upwelling of Holism Stambler, I.

13 2 p. 45-53
8 Senolytic Drugs: Implications for Clinical Practice Ilyushchenko, A. K.

13 2 p. 62-69
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland