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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Age-Related Changes in the Metabolomic Composition of Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) Ocular Tissues Yanshole, V. V.

13 1 p. 9-15
2 Comparative Analysis of Cell Senescence Induced by the Chemotherapeutic Agents Doxorubicin, Cisplatin and Arsenic Trioxide in Human Myoblasts MB135 Chelombitko, M. A.

13 1 p. 16-25
3 Gerontology in the 21st Century: From Failures to Advances. Hopefully Khokhlov, A. N.

13 1 p. 1-3
4 Mitochondrial Antioxidant SkQ1 Affects the GABAergic but Not the Glutamatergic System in the Hippocampus of Wistar and Senescence Accelerated OXYS Rats Telegina, D. V.

13 1 p. 36-43
5 New Frailty Index Approach Predicts COVID-19 Mortality Risk Fedintsev, Alexander

13 1 p. 26-35
6 Reductionism and Holism in the History of Aging and Longevity Research: Does the Whole Have Parts? Part 1. The Building of Reductionism Ilia Stambler,

13 1 p. 4-8
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland