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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An Older Woman in the Local Community in Russia: Neighbors, Nongovernmental Organizations, and the Housing and Communal System Grigoryeva, I. A.

10 4 p. 317-323
2 Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptor Nuclear Translocator (ARNT) in Human Skin with Aging Gunin, A. G.

10 4 p. 388-392
3 Assessment of Drug Therapy in Psychiatric Elderly Patients Based on the Beers Criteria of the American Geriatrics Society Kirilochev, O. O.

10 4 p. 377-381
4 Challenges in the Creation of Regional Geriatric Services Memetov, S. S.

10 4 p. 313-316
5 Characteristics of the Immunoresponse in Elderly People and Autoimmunity Moskalec, O. V.

10 4 p. 368-376
6 Cognitive Aging and Cognitive Reserve: Points of Contact Myakotnykh, V. S.

10 4 p. 356-362
7 Effect of Treatment with Inactive Vitamin D on the Intracranial Blood Flow in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Bolotova, E. V.

10 4 p. 393-399
8 Factor Structure of Coping Behavior in Elderly People Taking Geronto-Educational Programs Dolgova, V. I.

10 4 p. 350-355
9 First Results from the Analysis of the Activity of the Cancer Service of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation Based on Its Created Population Cancer Register Merabishvili, V. M.

10 4 p. 324-336
10 Morbidity, Mortality, and Reliability of Accounting of Patients of Different Age Groups with Liver Cancer in Russia Merabishvili, V. M.

10 4 p. 337-341
11 Participation of FAS- and TNF-Dependent Pathways in Apoptosis Mechanisms in Hypothalamus in Physiological and Pathological Aging Bazhanova, E. D.

10 4 p. 382-387
12 Possibilities in the Prediction of Cardiac Arrhythmias and Conductivity Disorders in Former Athletes Krysiuk, O. B.

10 4 p. 363-367
13 Status and Prospects of Gerontology and Geriatrics in the Kyrgyz Republic Mamatov, S. M.

10 4 p. 400-405
14 Theory and Practice of Aging during the COVID-19 Pandemic Golubev, A. G.

10 4 p. 303-312
15 The Role of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in the Treatment of Cancer Patients of Elderly and Senile Age Alekseeva, Yu. V.

10 4 p. 342-349
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland