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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Age-Related Dynamics of the Indicators of Protein, Lipid, Carbohydrate, and Purin Metabolism and the Level of Pituitary Hormones in the Blood of Healthy, 22- to 55-Year-Old Men Balashova, N. V.

10 3 p. 215-218
2 Age-Related Physiological and Pathophysiological Features of the Masticatory Apparatus in Adults Jordanishvili, A. K.

10 3 p. 244-248
3 An Experiment on Age-Related Characteristics of the Reaction of Lung Tissue and Surfactant to Hypobaric Hypoxia and Hyperbaric Hyperoxia Nesterov, Y. V.

10 3 p. 249-253
4 Characteristics of Fibrosis and Collagen Metabolism Disorders in the Myocardial Interstitial Matrix of Patients with Arterial Hypertension and the Potential Use of Sartan Drugs for Their Treatment Gorshunova, N. K.

10 3 p. 234-238
5 Diagnostic Criteria and Prevalence of Sarcopenia in the Elderly Safonova, J. A.

10 3 p. 228-233
6 Heat-Shock Protein 90 (HSP90) in Age-Dependent Changes in the Fibroblast Number in Human Skin Gunin, A. G.

10 3 p. 260-265
7 Hormonal Characteristics of Androgen Status in Males of Different Age Groups Selyatitskaya, V. G.

10 3 p. 210-214
8 Immunohistochemistry Data on the Structural and Functional Changes in the Vascular Endothelium of the Heart of Old Rats Chumasov, E. I.

10 3 p. 266-271
9 Initiation of Pharmacotherapy as a Risk Factor of Falling in Older Patients Ilina, E. S.

10 3 p. 239-243
10 Menopausal Therapy: Modern View of the Problem Selikhova, M. S.

10 3 p. 205-209
11 Plasmalogens in the Pathophysiology and Therapy of Age-Specific Diseases Kytikova, O. Yu.

10 3 p. 272-281
12 Premature Aging in Sleep Apnea Comorbid Obesity Persons Brodovskaya, T. O.

10 3 p. 219-227
13 Stimulating Effect of the Water-Soluble Fraction from Brown Algae Fucus vesiculosus Extract on Cell Proliferation in the Tissue Culture of Young and Old Rats Chalisova, N. I.

10 3 p. 282-286
14 The Strategic Objectives of Russia and Japan’s Experience in the Creation of Jobs for Citizens of a New Age of Labor Capacity: Economic and Legal Research Bobrovskaya, O. N.

10 3 p. 292-301
15 The Use of Geroprotective Agents (mTOR Inhibitors) in the Treatment of Cancer Patients Yurova, M. N.

10 3 p. 287-291
16 U-133, a Chaperone Inducer, Eliminates Sleep Disturbances in a Model of the Preclinical Stage of Parkinson’s Disease in Aged Rats Pastukhov, Yu. F.

10 3 p. 254-259
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland