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                             9 results found
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1 Biological management of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.): a review Azlay, Latifa

13 1 p. 99-117
2 Composting in facultative reactors: a review da Cunha, Karine Marcondes

13 1 p. 1-14
3 Happy animals at small scales: farmers’ portrayal of local food systems in New Jersey as an organic answer for farm animal welfare ethical concerns Halprin, Franklin R.

13 1 p. 55-72
4 Invasive plant Bidens pilosa as an ecofriendly antibiofilm-antimicrobial against Staphylococcus aureus for bovine mastitis control Piccinin, Isadora N.

13 1 p. 73-82
5 Organic agriculture, labour exchange, and social networks: a case study of smallholder farming in Bhutan Tshotsho,

13 1 p. 83-98
6 Production and quality aspects of strawberries cultivated under organic management Mazon, Suelen

13 1 p. 43-54
7 Study on dhaincha (Sesbania bispinosa) genotypes for N-fixing capability and rate of mineralization under field and laboratory condition Balaji, A.

13 1 p. 119-132
8 Sustainability dimensions of the supply chain for organic agricultural products in Ilam Province, Iran Pirozeh, Arezoo

13 1 p. 15-26
9 Will participating in ECPs improve organic tea farmers’ income in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic? Doanh, Nguyen Khanh

13 1 p. 27-41
                             9 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands