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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Contingency inferences from base rates: A parsimonious strategy? Pivecka, Niklas

52 7 p. 1609-1625
2 Correction: Learned switch readiness via concurrent activation of task sets: Evidence from task specificity and memory load Nack, Corey A.

52 7 p. 1716
3 Dynamic source credibility and its impacts on knowledge revision Johnson, Victoria

52 7 p. 1548-1566
4 Effects of emotional ambiguity and emotional intensity on true and false memory Chang, Minyu

52 7 p. 1494-1509
5 Illusory inferences in conditional expressions Espino, Orlando

52 7 p. 1687-1699
6 Learned switch readiness via concurrent activation of task sets: Evidence from task specificity and memory load Nack, Corey A.

52 7 p. 1510-1529
7 Susceptibility to poor arguments: The interplay of cognitive sophistication and attitudes Marin, Pinja M.

52 7 p. 1579-1596
8 The days we never forget: Flashbulb memories across the life span in Alzheimer’s disease Rasmussen, Katrine W.

52 7 p. 1477-1493
9 The effect of target detection task on memory encoding varies in different stimulus onset asynchronies Shang, Chenyang

52 7 p. 1700-1715
10 The impact of working memory testing on long-term associative memory Xie, Kathy Y.

52 7 p. 1626-1652
11 The perceived importance of words in large font guides learning and selective memory Murphy, Dillon H.

52 7 p. 1463-1476
12 The relationship between working memory capacity, bilingualism, and ambiguous relative clause attachment Cotter, Beverly T.

52 7 p. 1530-1547
13 The spacing effect in remote information-integration category learning Cruz, Anthony

52 7 p. 1653-1672
14 The upside of cumulative conceptual interference on exemplar-level mnemonic discrimination Delhaye, Emma

52 7 p. 1567-1578
15 Understanding the structure of autobiographical memories: A study of trauma memories from the 1994 Rwandan genocide Blumenthal, Anna

52 7 p. 1597-1608
16 Visual word identification beyond common words: The role of font and letter case in brand names Labusch, Melanie

52 7 p. 1673-1686
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland