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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Clinical Use of Radiopharmaceuticals in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Lee, Yun-Sang

56 3 p. 111-113
2 [64Cu]Cu-Albumin Clearance Imaging to Evaluate Lymphatic Efflux of Cerebrospinal Space Fluid in Mouse Model Sarker, Azmal

56 3 p. 137-146
3 Experience of 6-l-[18F]FDOPA Production Using Commercial Disposable Cassettes and an Automated Module Nanabala, Raviteja

56 3 p. 127-136
4 68Ga-DOTA-RGD2 Uptake in Plantar Fasciitis: New Insights into its Pathogenesis Aggarwal, Piyush

56 3 p. 169-170
5 Infected Lower Limb Megaprosthesis on 68Ga-NOTA-Ubiquicidin PET/CT Imaging Kaushik, Prateek

56 3 p. 171-172
6 KSNM60: The History of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences in Korea Yoo, Ran Ji

56 3 p. 114-126
7 Prospective F-18 FDOPA PET Imaging Study in Human PD Dhawan, Vijay

56 3 p. 147-157
8 Relationship Between Vitamin D Status and Brain Perfusion in Neuropsychiatric Lupus Sultana, Nasreen

56 3 p. 158-168
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland