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1 |
BRAF mutation-specific promoter methylation of FOX genes in colorectal cancer
van Roon, Eddy H |
2013 |
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2 |
Changes in DNA methylation at the aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor may be a new biomarker for smoking
Philibert, Robert A |
2013 |
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3 |
Developmental genes targeted for epigenetic variation between twin-twin transfusion syndrome children
Marsit, Carmen J |
2013 |
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4 |
Differential placental methylation and expression of VEGF, FLT-1 and KDR genes in human term and preterm preeclampsia
Sundrani, Deepali P |
2013 |
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5 |
DNMT1 genetic polymorphisms affect breast cancer risk in the central European Caucasian population
Kullmann, Kathrin |
2013 |
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6 |
Epimutation profiling in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: relationship with assisted reproductive technology
Tee, Louise |
2013 |
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7 |
Evaluation of IGFBP-7 DNA methylation changes and serum protein variation in Swedish subjects with and without type 2 diabetes
Gu, Harvest F |
2013 |
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8 |
Global differences in specific histone H3 methylation are associated with overweight and type 2 diabetes
Jufvas, Åsa |
2013 |
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9 |
Histone deacetylase inhibition in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia: the effects of valproic acid on leukemic cells, and the clinical and experimental evidence for combining valproic acid with other antileukemic agents
Fredly, Hanne |
2013 |
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10 |
Increased DNA methylation levels of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 gene are associated with type 2 diabetes in Swedish men
Gu, Tianwei |
2013 |
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11 |
Interaction of prenatal maternal smoking, interleukin 13 genetic variants and DNA methylation influencing airflow and airway reactivity
Patil, Veeresh K |
2013 |
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12 |
Maintaining the unmethylated state
Smith, Steven S |
2013 |
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13 |
Methylation profiling and evaluation of demethylating therapy in renal cell carcinoma
Ricketts, Christopher J |
2013 |
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14 |
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis of 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine (decitabine) in the design of its dose-schedule for cancer therapy
Karahoca, Metin |
2013 |
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15 |
Reduced expression of brain cannabinoid receptor 1 (Cnr1) is coupled with an increased complementary micro-RNA (miR-26b) in a mouse model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Stringer, Randa L |
2013 |
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16 |
Resveratrol, a sirtuin 1 activator, increases IL-6 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with knee osteoarthritis
Wendling, Daniel |
2013 |
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17 |
Reviewer acknowledgement 2013
Mahlknecht, Ulrich |
2013 |
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18 |
Specific inhibition of one DNMT1-including complex influences tumor initiation and progression
Cheray, Mathilde |
2013 |
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19 |
The combination of valproic acid, all-trans retinoic acid and low-dose cytarabine as disease-stabilizing treatment in acute myeloid leukemia
Fredly, Hanne |
2013 |
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20 |
The interaction of genetic variants and DNA methylation of the interleukin-4 receptor gene increase the risk of asthma at age 18 years
Soto-Ramírez, Nelís |
2013 |
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21 |
Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns
Herzog, Emilie |
2013 |
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22 |
Transcription factor NFκB regulates the expression of the histone deacetylase SIRT1
Katto, Judith |
2013 |
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Variation in ultraviolet radiation and diabetes: evidence of an epigenetic effect that modulates diabetics’ lifespan
Davis, George E |
2013 |
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