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                             39 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An Evaluative Study to Assess the Effectiveness of a Video-Assisted Teaching Module on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Home-Based Colostomy Care of Children Among Primary Caregivers in Selected Hospital Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Halemani, Kurvatteppa

12 1 p. 146-151
2 A Prospective Study on Metronomic Scheduling of Non-chemotherapeutic Drugs in Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancers Shivdas, Shruthi

12 1 p. 127-132
3 A Retrospective Cohort Study of Coexistence of Carcinoma and Tuberculosis of Colon: 12-Year Experience Chaudhary, Poras

12 1 p. 61-66
4 Bilobed PMMC in Females: Our Challenging yet Meritorious Experience Jayaprakash, Dipin

12 1 p. 39-47
5 Cancer Care in the Era of COVID-19: Changing Rules of Engagement of Social Media Applications to Support Cancer Patients in LMICs Yadav, Sanjay Kumar

12 1 p. 117-118
6 Carinal Resection and Reconstruction for Tracheo-bronchial Neoplasms—Surgical Outcomes of 20 Consecutively Operated Cases Pulle, Mohan Venkatesh

12 1 p. 12-21
7 Chemoport Insertion—Less Is More Shah, Tanay

12 1 p. 139-145
8 Contemporary Outcomes of Open Radical Cystectomy: a 5-Year Experience from a Tertiary Care Center Nayak, Brusabhanu

12 1 p. 86-93
9 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Peritoneal Malignancies Solanki, Sohan Lal

12 1 p. 207-209
10 COVID-19 Outbreak and Oncological Surgery Practice Tokocin, Merve

12 1 p. 114-116
11 Desk of the Editor Vol.12 Issue 1 Kodaganur Srinivaschar, Gopinath

12 1 p. 1-2
12 Efficacy of Periareolar Versus Peritumoral Injection of TC99-Labelled Sulphur Colloid and Methylene Blue Dye for Detection of Sentinel Lymph Node in Patients with Early Breast Cancer: a Comparative Study Malhotra, Chanchal

12 1 p. 119-123
13 Endobronchial Carcinoids: Surgical Outcome in 100 Consecutive Patients and Factors Affecting Lung Preservation Bishnoi, Sukhram

12 1 p. 190-198
14 Epiphysis Salvage Reconstruction and Associated Complications Following Tumor Resections in Skeletally Immature Patients Kapukaya, Rana

12 1 p. 164-171
15 Factors Affecting Prognosis and Survival in Extremity Osteosarcoma Dharanikota, Anvesh

12 1 p. 199-206
16 Flap Fixation as a Technique for Reducing Seroma Formation in Patients Undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy: an Institutional Experience Vettuparambil, Ajith

12 1 p. 48-53
17 Free Gastric Flap for Oral Reconstruction—a Feasibility Study in Oral Defects Komanduri, Suneel Kaushik

12 1 p. 172-176
18 Growing Teratoma Syndrome a Rare Clinical Entity: Two Decades Management Experience from the Regional Cancer Institute Rathod, Praveen S.

12 1 p. 31-38
19 Hemorrhagic Malignant Pleural Effusion: Diagnosis, Survival Rate, and Response to Talc Pleurodesis Lending, Gadi

12 1 p. 54-60
20 Intraoperative Level 2 Palpation Before Neck Dissection: a Safe Clinical Practice for Trainee Surgeon Singh, Abhijeet

12 1 p. 180-181
21 Island Nasolabial Flap for Tongue Reconstruction: Locoregional Flap of Choice and an Alternative to Free Flap for Tongue Cancer Sharma, Vikas

12 1 p. 94-99
22 Low Cost, Low Dose, Oral, Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Protocol in Locally Advanced Borderline Oral Cancers—Feasibility Study Sultania, Mahesh

12 1 p. 67-72
23 Malignancy in an Undescended Intra-abdominal Testis: a Single Institution Experience Gupta, Vikas

12 1 p. 133-138
24 Metastatic Tumors to the Ovary—a Surgeon’s Dilemma C.K, Ramesan

12 1 p. 152-157
25 Modified Inguinal Lymph Node Dissection in Groin-Negative Patients of Penile Cancer: Our Experience Nerli, R. B.

12 1 p. 229-234
26 Operative Feasibility and Short-Term Oncologic Outcome of Rigid Versus Flexible Platforms in Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision Zuhdy, Mohammad

12 1 p. 222-228
27 Pattern of Lymph Node Metastasis in Endometrial Cancer: a Single Institution Experience Suchetha, S.

12 1 p. 73-77
28 Predictors and Outcomes of Pancreatic Fistula Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy: a Dual Center Experience Kumar, Suneed

12 1 p. 22-30
29 Randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy of pectoral nerve block with general anesthesia alone in patients undergoing unilateral mastectomy Sharma, Sudivya

12 1 p. 158-163
30 Reinforcing the Known Hygiene Practices for the Health Care Workers (HCW) Along with Working Guidelines for Managing Head and Neck Cancer Patients in the COVID Era Thiagarajan, Shivakumar

12 1 p. 124-126
31 Role of Enhanced Recovery Program for Colorectal Cancer Patients: National Cancer Institute Experience Mounir, Mamdouh Mohamed

12 1 p. 218-221
32 Selective Neck Dissection in Oral Cavity Cancer Is Not Without Morbidity Anand, Adharsh

12 1 p. 5-11
33 Sensory Changes and Postmastectomy Pain Following Preservation of Intercostobrachial Nerve in Breast Cancer Surgery: a Prospective Randomized Study Kaur, Navneet

12 1 p. 108-113
34 Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Early Breast Cancer Using Methylene Blue Dye Alone: a Safe, Simple, and Cost-Effective Procedure in Resource-Constrained Settings Devarakonda, Sreekar

12 1 p. 210-217
35 Sentinel or Selective Omentectomy in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: New Perspective El-Agwany, Ahmed Samy

12 1 p. 177-179
36 The Big Billion Indian COVID 19 Vaccine Challenge Krishnamurthy, Arvind

12 1 p. 3-4
37 The Positive Predictive Values of the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) 4 Lesions and its Mammographic Morphological Features Mohapatra, Suvendu Kumar

12 1 p. 182-189
38 Treatment Outcomes of Early Carcinoma Cervix Before and After Sub-specialization Thomas, Vinotha

12 1 p. 78-85
39 Validation of an Intelligibility Assessment Tool in an Indian Language for Perceptual Speech Analysis in Oral Cancer Patients Dokhe, Yogesh

12 1 p. 100-107
                             39 gevonden resultaten
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