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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analytical methods for the variable-coefficient KP equation and its wave solutions in weakly dispersive media Zhang, Sheng

12 1 artikel
2 An analysis of time-fractional heat transfer problem using two-scale approach Ain, Qura Tul

12 1 artikel
3 An information inequality for Bayesian analysis in imaging problems Kitanidis, Peter K.

12 1 artikel
4 A nonintrusive hybrid neural-physics modeling of incomplete dynamical systems: Lorenz equations Pawar, Suraj

12 1 artikel
5 A survey on multiscale mollifier decorrelation of seismic data Blick, C.

12 1 artikel
6 Characterization of karstic aquifer complexity using fractal dimensions Borbás, Edit

12 1 artikel
7 Comparison of ground deformation due to movement of a fault for different types of crack surface Kundu, Piu

12 1 artikel
8 Creeping effect across a buried, inclined, finite strike-slip fault in an elastic-layer overlying an elastic half-space Kundu, Piu

12 1 artikel
9 Data-driven reduced order modeling of poroelasticity of heterogeneous media based on a discontinuous Galerkin approximation Kadeethum, Teeratorn

12 1 artikel
10 Dual evolution mixed variational analysis of multiphase flow in the subsurface Alduncin, Gonzalo

12 1 artikel
11 Effects of temperature- and pressure-dependent viscosity and internal heating on mantle convection Khaleque, Tania S.

12 1 artikel
12 He’s frequency formulation for nonlinear vibration of a porous foundation with fractal derivative Feng, Guang-Qing

12 1 artikel
13 Improved inversion procedure for obtaining thermal properties of marine sediments via expansion of the temperature decay function Sirotko-Sibirskaya, Natalia

12 1 artikel
14 Love wave transference in piezomagnetic layered structure guided by an imperfect interface Goyal, Suman

12 1 artikel
15 Machine learning for flux regression in discrete fracture networks Berrone, S.

12 1 artikel
16 Numerical solutions of the fractal foam drainage equation Habib, Siddra

12 1 artikel
17 On a variational principle for the fractal Wu–Zhang system arising in shallow water Liang, Yan-Hong

12 1 artikel
18 Polynomial surrogates for Bayesian traveltime tomography Sochala, Pierre

12 1 artikel
19 Shear strength testing of consolidated claystones: breakpoint detection of shear stress versus shear displacement curves, a statistical approach Rozgonyi-Boissinot, Nikoletta

12 1 artikel
20 Solitary waves of the fractal Whitham–Broer–Kaup equation in shallow water Liang, Yan-Hong

12 1 artikel
21 Statistical and deterministic inverse methods in the geosciences: introduction, review, and application to the nonlinear diffusion equation Reuber, Georg S.

12 1 artikel
22 The use of B-splines to represent the topography of river networks Boergens, Eva

12 1 artikel
23 Two-scale mathematical model for tsunami wave Anjum, Naveed

12 1 artikel
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland