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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Applying ecosystem services as a framework to analyze the effects of alternative bio-economy scenarios in Nordic catchments Vermaat, Jan E.

49 11 p. 1784-1796
2 Catchment effects of a future Nordic bioeconomy: From land use to water resources Skarbøvik, Eva

49 11 p. 1697-1709
3 Climate effects on land management and stream nitrogen concentrations in small agricultural catchments in Norway Wenng, Hannah

49 11 p. 1747-1758
4 Climate mitigation and intensified forest management in Norway: To what extent are surface waters safeguarded? Sundnes, Frode

49 11 p. 1736-1746
5 Comparing nutrient reference concentrations in Nordic countries with focus on lowland rivers Skarbøvik, Eva

49 11 p. 1771-1783
6 Efficiency of mitigation measures targeting nutrient losses from agricultural drainage systems: A review Carstensen, Mette Vodder

49 11 p. 1820-1837
7 Multi-functional benefits from targeted set-aside land in a Danish catchment Hashemi, Fatemeh

49 11 p. 1808-1819
8 Nordic Bioeconomy Pathways: Future narratives for assessment of water-related ecosystem services in agricultural and forest management Rakovic, Jelena

49 11 p. 1710-1721
9 Optimizing placement of constructed wetlands at landscape scale in order to reduce phosphorus losses Djodjic, Faruk

49 11 p. 1797-1807
10 Phosphorus retention, erosion protection and farmers’ perceptions of riparian buffer zones with grass and natural vegetation: Case studies from South-Eastern Norway Blankenberg, Anne-Grete Buseth

49 11 p. 1838-1849
11 Potential impacts of a future Nordic bioeconomy on surface water quality Marttila, Hannu

49 11 p. 1722-1735
12 Streamwater responses to reduced nitrogen deposition at four small upland catchments in Norway Kaste, Øyvind

49 11 p. 1759-1770
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland