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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Antiseizure Medication Withdrawal in Seizure-Free Patients: What is New for the Pediatrician? Gupta, Arpita

59 8 p. 648-651
2 Bolus Dose of Vitamin D to Lactating Mother and Calcium Transfer in Human Breastmilk Khera, Sanjeev

59 8 p. 659-660
3 Child Health and the Environment Remesh Kumar, R.

59 8 p. 599-600
4 Clinical Features and Adverse Prognostic Indicators in Datura Poisoning in Children Islam, Kamirul

59 8 p. 652-653
5 Clippings Choudhary, Bharat

59 8 p. 662
6 Comparison of Continuous Real Time Blood Glucose Measurement With Venous Laboratory Blood Glucose Level in Neonates During Perioperative Period Wasiq, Mohammed Abdul

59 8 p. 620-622
7 Concurrent Coxsackie Virus A6 Infection and Kawasaki Disease Matsukura, Hiro

59 8 p. 656-657
8 Drowning in Home Environment: A Little Recognized Mode of Fatal Injury in Indian Infants and Toddlers Siddiqui, Shahid Akhtar

59 8 p. 659
9 Gardner-Diamond Syndrome in an Adolescent Girl Khadke, Rajendra R.

59 8 p. 658
10 Manual Method vs Breast Pump for Breast Milk Expression in Mothers of Preterm Babies During First Postnatal Week: A Randomized Controlled Trial Dhanawat, Avantika

59 8 p. 608-612
11 Monkeypox Disease Outbreak (2022): Epidemiology, Challenges, and the Way Forward Lahariya, Chandrakant

59 8 p. 636-642
12 Nasal High-Flow Therapy vs Standard Care During Neonatal Endotracheal Intubation Mathew, Joseph L.

59 8 p. 643-647
13 News In Brief Passi, Gouri Rao

59 8 p. 661
14 Outcome of COVID-19 in Children With Tuberculosis: Single-Center Experience Mane, Sushant S.

59 8 p. 617-619
15 Revisiting MIS-C: Extending the Exclusions Mishra, Ambrish Kumar

59 8 p. 654-655
16 Risk Factors for Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CA-UTI) in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Lalitha, A. V.

59 8 p. 613-616
17 Secular Trends in Birthweight Ramji, Siddarth

59 8 p. 601-602
18 Secular Trends in Birthweights in Two Epochs Over 40 Years in a Tertiary Care Center Thomas, Deena

59 8 p. 603-607
19 Serum Magnesium Levels in Children With and Without Migraine: A Cross-Sectional Study Bhurat, Rishab

59 8 p. 623-625
20 Spina Ventosa of Metacarpal Das, Mampy

59 8 p. 663
21 Surveillance for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in India: Consensus Guidelines From the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of India, Indian Academy of Pediatrics, National Neonatology Forum of India, Indian Radiological and Imaging Association, Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India, and Indian Orthopaedic Association Aroojis, Alaric

59 8 p. 626-635
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland