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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Add-on Home-Centered Activity-Based Therapy vs Conventional Physiotherapy in Improving Walking Ability at 6-Months in Children With Diplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Controlled Trial Goswami, Jyotindra Narayan

58 9 p. 826-832
2 Antiseizure Drug Levels in Children Aged 2–12 Years Presenting With Breakthrough Seizures: A Single Center Cross-sectional Study Garg, Rajan

58 9 p. 850-852
3 Autism Spectrum Disorder in the COVID 19 Era: New Challenges — New Solutions Bharat, Rahul

58 9 p. 890-891
4 Cardiac Channelopathies Masquerading as Seizures Toan, Duong Khanh

58 9 p. 892-893
5 Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitative Care: The Role of Home-Based Care and Family-Centered Approach Agarwal, Sonika

58 9 p. 813-814
6 Clinical Outcome of Guillain-Barré Syndrome in 108 Children Sen, Sandip

58 9 p. 833-835
7 Determinants of Vitamin D Deficiency Among Under-five Children in Urban Slums of Mumbai, India Surve, Suchitra

58 9 p. 888-889
8 Efficacy of Daily Supplementation of Milk Fortified With Vitamin D2 for Three Months in Healthy School Children: A Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial Marwaha, Raman Kumar

58 9 p. 820-825
9 Expanding Dietary Therapy Beyond the Classic Ketogenic Diet: On the Use of the Modified Atkins Diet and Low Glycemic Index Treatment in Pediatric Epilepsy Whitney, Robyn

58 9 p. 811-812
10 Ivermectin Poisoning — Report of Successful Management Talwar, Neetu

58 9 p. 893-894
11 Long-Term Morbidity and Functional Outcome of Japanese Encephalitis in Children: A Prospective Cohort Study Dutta, Abhijit

58 9 p. 846-849
12 Management of Neurocysticercosis in Children: Association of Child Neurology Consensus Guidelines Sankhyan, Naveen

58 9 p. 871-880
13 Modified Atkins Diet vs Low Glycemic Index Treatment for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy in Children: An Open Label, Randomized Controlled Trial Gupta, Surbhi

58 9 p. 815-819
14 Movement Disorders in Children Jain, Rahul

58 9 p. 861-870
15 Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Related to COVID-19 With Urticarial Vasculitis — A Double Whammy! Mohta, Alpana

58 9 p. 894-895
16 News in Brief Meena, Rajesh Kumar

58 9 p. 898
17 Outcome of Neonates Born to COVID-Positive Women at 6 Months of Age Munian, Dinesh

58 9 p. 853-856
18 Pediatric Head and Neck Infections at a Tertiary Care Center Naina, P.

58 9 p. 897
19 Sensory Processing Dysfunction and Mealtime Behavior Problems in Children With Autism Malhi, Prahbhjot

58 9 p. 842-845
20 Simulated Patients for Competency-Based Undergraduate Medical Education Post COVID-19: A New Normal in India Kapoor, Anil

58 9 p. 881-887
21 Vitamin D, Bone Mineral Density and Serum IGF-1 Level in Non-ambulatory Children With Cerebral Palsy Gwasikoti, Namita

58 9 p. 836-838
22 Vitamin D Levels in Neonates With and Without Seizures: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study Reddy, Jonnala Chaitanya

58 9 p. 839-841
23 Zinc Supplementation for Prevention of Febrile Seizures Recurrences in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Kumar, Manish

58 9 p. 857-860
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland