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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Application of RapidHIT™ ID for cell authentication by fast and convenient STR profiling Koh, Un Na

45 10 p. 1263-1271
2 Comprehensive analysis of circular RNAs in nasopharyngeal cancer Zhu, Si-Yu

45 10 p. 1339-1346
3 Current issues in forensic genetics Lee, Hwan Young

45 10 p. 1227-1228
4 DNA methylome profiling of blood to identify individuals in a pair of monozygotic twins Kim, Jae-Yoon

45 10 p. 1273-1279
5 Forensic biogeographical ancestry inference: recent insights and current trends Wen, Yufeng

45 10 p. 1229-1238
6 Forensic genetic analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms and microhaplotypes in Koreans through next-generation sequencing using precision ID identity panel Yang, Soo-Bin

45 10 p. 1281-1293
7 Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis in schizophrenia with tardive dyskinesia: a preliminary study Zhang, Ping

45 10 p. 1317-1328
8 Getting the chronological age out of DNA: using insights of age-dependent DNA methylation for forensic DNA applications Naue, Jana

45 10 p. 1239-1261
9 Interference KRT17 reverses doxorubicin resistance in triple-negative breast cancer cells by Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway Wu, Liqiong

45 10 p. 1329-1338
10 MicroRNA 452 regulates SHC1 expression in human colorectal cancer and colitis Mo, Ji-su

45 10 p. 1295-1304
11 Single-nucleus RNA sequencing reveals cell type-specific transcriptome alterations of Down syndrome hippocampus using the Dp16 mouse model Zhou, Zuolin

45 10 p. 1305-1315
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland