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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A case of chronic limb threatening ischemia with kinking of the external iliac artery due to downward deviation of abdominal aortic stent graft Usami, Kota

38 4 p. 436-437
2 A case of myocardial infarction of the left circumflex artery accompanied by chronic total occlusion of the left anterior descending artery of the single coronary artery Koga, Masashi

38 4 p. 427-428
3 A case of robotic-assisted percutaneous coronary intervention using a coronary intravascular lithotripsy catheter Koeda, Yorihiko

38 4 p. 429-430
4 A novel angio-sketch-supported procedure during transcatheter aortic valve implantation using a navitor valve Kondo, Yuki

38 4 p. 440-441
5 Detached guiding catheter tip retrieval using the balloon-trapping technique Sato, Daisuke

38 4 p. 434-435
6 Eccentric plaque in aberrant right subclavian artery causing pseudocoarctation-like morphology Nomura, Tetsuya

38 4 p. 438-439
7 Effectiveness of using both rotational atherectomy with smallest burr and orbital atherectomy system for stentless treatment of calcified nodules Oka, Toshiharu

38 4 p. 424-426
8 Guide extension proximal locking method: standardization of maximum backup force in percutaneous coronary intervention Tanaka, Kota

38 4 p. 395-405
9 Impact of quantitative flow ratio on graft function in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting Sugimoto, Keishiro

38 4 p. 406-413
10 Lifetime management of severely calcified coronary lesions: the treatment algorithm focused on the shape of calcification Sakakura, Kenichi

38 4 p. 375-380
11 One-year outcome of transcatheter aortic valve replacement for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis: a report from the Japanese Nationwide registry (J-TVT registry) Mukai, Takashi

38 4 p. 414-423
12 Percutaneous edge-to-edge mitral valve repair to hemolysis after surgical mitral valve repair Setoguchi, Naoto

38 4 p. 442-444
13 Retrieval of entrapped Rotablator burr in coronary stent using guide extension catheter and RotaWire spring-tip Toba, Takayoshi

38 4 p. 431-433
14 Rotational atherectomy to left circumflex ostial lesions: tips and tricks Taniguchi, Yousuke

38 4 p. 367-374
15 Very short-term tissue coverage of the CD34 antibody-covered sirolimus-eluting stent: an optical coherence tomography study Matsumoto, Tadahiro

38 4 p. 381-387
16 Volume-outcome relationship in complication-related mortality after percutaneous coronary interventions: an analysis on the failure-to-rescue rate in the Japanese Nationwide Registry Ando, Tomo

38 4 p. 388-394
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland