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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Azobenzene Based Photo-responsive Mechanical Actuator Fabricated by Intermolecular H-bond Interaction Yu, Chun-Yan

39 4 p. 417-424
2 Coalescence Suppression in Flowing Polymer Blends Using Silica Rods with Different Surface Chemistries Xiang, Si-Ying

39 4 p. 474-483
3 Combined Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Rouse Model Analysis of Static and Dynamic Properties of Unentangled Polymer Melts with Different Chain Architectures Yao, Pu

39 4 p. 512-524
4 Effect of Interfacial Adsorption on the Stability of Thin Polymer Films in a Solvent-induced Process Xu, Lin

39 4 p. 501-511
5 Highly Transparent and Colorless Polyimide Film with Low Dielectric Constant by Introducing Meta-substituted Structure and Trifluoromethyl Groups Zuo, Hong-Tao

39 4 p. 455-464
6 Macroscopic Regulation of Hierarchical Nanostructures in Liquid-crystalline Block Copolymers towards Functional Materials Cai, Feng

39 4 p. 397-416
7 Platinum Atoms Dispersed in Single-chain Polymer Nanoparticles Hu, Zhi-Yu

39 4 p. 441-446
8 Robust and Self-healable Antibiofilm Multilayer Coatings Zhou, Chao

39 4 p. 425-440
9 Styrene-containing Phosphine-sulfonate Ligands for Nickel- and Palladium-catalyzed Ethylene Polymerization Behzadi, Shabnam

39 4 p. 447-454
10 Temperature-dependent Crystallization and Phase Transition of Poly(L-lactic acid)/CO2 Complex Crystals Zheng, Ying

39 4 p. 484-492
11 The Relationship between Pendant Phosphate Groups and Mechanical Properties of Polyisoprene Rubber Li, Shi-Qi

39 4 p. 465-473
12 Unusual Spherulitic Morphology of Poly(propylene fumarate) Meng, Xiao-Yu

39 4 p. 493-500
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland