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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Flexible Generalized Poisson Likelihood for Spatial Counts Constructed by Renewal Theory, Motivated by Groundwater Quality Assessment Nadifar, Mahsa

28 4 p. 726-748
2 A Variance Partitioning Multi-level Model for Forest Inventory Data with a Fixed Plot Design Marques, Isa

28 4 p. 706-725
3 Bayesian Nonparametric Generative Modeling of Large Multivariate Non-Gaussian Spatial Fields Wiemann, Paul F. V.

28 4 p. 597-617
4 Deep Spatial Q-Learning for Infectious Disease Control Liu, Zhishuai

28 4 p. 749-773
5 Dynamic Population Models with Temporal Preferential Sampling to Infer Phenology Schwob, Michael R.

28 4 p. 774-791
6 Environmental Public Policy Making Exposed, Cynthia H. Stahl, Alan J. Cimorelli, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2020). 203 pp, ISBN 978-3-030–32130-7 (eBook) Edyanto,

28 4 p. 594-596
7 Rankıng Districts of Çanakkale in Terms of Rangeland Quality by Fuzzy MCDM Methods Gökkuş, Zeynep

28 4 p. 636-663
8 Regularised Semi-parametric Composite Likelihood Intensity Modelling of a Swedish Spatial Ambulance Call Point Pattern Bayisa, Fekadu L.

28 4 p. 664-683
9 Review of “Mixed-Effects Models and Small Area Estimation” by Shonosuke Sugasawa and Tatsuya Kubokawa Rarasari, Desak Made Goldyna

28 4 p. 591-593
10 Role of Taxa Age and Geologic Range: Survival Analysis of Marine Biota over the Last 538 Million Years Pérez-Sosa, Lilian B.

28 4 p. 684-705
11 The Third Competition on Spatial Statistics for Large Datasets Hong, Yiping

28 4 p. 618-635
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland