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1 A Bayesian Partial Membership Model for Multiple Exposures with Uncertain Group Memberships Zavez, Alexis E.

28 3 p. 377-400
2 A Dynamic Occupancy Model for Interacting Species with Two Spatial Scales Kleiven, Eivind Flittie

28 3 p. 466-482
3 A Shared Latent Process Model to Correct for Preferential Sampling in Disease Surveillance Systems Conroy, Brian

28 3 p. 483-501
4 Assessing Ecosystem State Space Models: Identifiability and Estimation Smith, J. W.

28 3 p. 442-465
5 Bayesian Latent Variable Co-kriging Model in Remote Sensing for Quality Flagged Observations Konomi, Bledar A.

28 3 p. 423-441
6 Design of Agricultural Field Experiments Accounting for both Complex Blocking Structures and Network Effects Koutra, Vasiliki

28 3 p. 526-548
7 Estimation and Clustering of Directional Wave Spectra Wu, Zihao

28 3 p. 502-525
8 Fusion Learning of Functional Linear Regression with Application to Genotype-by-Environment Interaction Studies Yu, Shan

28 3 p. 401-422
9 Improving Detection of Changepoints in Short and Noisy Time Series with Local Correlations: Connecting the Events in Pixel Neighbourhoods Rajala, Tuomas

28 3 p. 564-590
10 Water Resource Surveillance for the Salton Sea in California By Adaptive Sequential Monitoring of Its Landsat Images Yi, Fan

28 3 p. 549-563
                             10 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands