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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Bifurcation delay in a network of nonlocally coupled slow-fast FitzHugh–Nagumo neurons Durairaj, Premraj

97 5 artikel
2 Clown face in 3D chaotic system integrated with memristor electronics, DNA encryption and fractional calculus Qureshi, Muhammad Ali

97 5 artikel
3 Development and evaluation of wideband negative response in ultra-thin polygon metamaterial Sharma, Atipriya

97 5 artikel
4 Dichroism and broadband nonreciprocal transmission in Weyl semimetals Li, Tianming

97 5 artikel
5 Explosive percolation on the Bethe lattice is ordinary Cho, Young Sul

97 5 artikel
6 Impact of information adoption and the resulted self-protective actions on epidemic spreading in awareness-disease coupled multiplex networks Pei, Huayan

97 5 artikel
7 Investigating of structural, electronic, magnetic, dynamic, and thermoelectric properties of CoCrSe half-Heusler compound using FP-LAPW method AlShaikh Mohammad, Noorhan F.

97 5 artikel
8 Persistent anomaly in dynamical quantum phase transition in long-range non-Hermitian p-wave Kitaev chain Mondal, Debashish

97 5 artikel
9 Rapid disease spread on dense networks with power-law topology Esquivel-Gómez, J. J.

97 5 artikel
10 Saddle-node bifurcation control of macroscopic traffic flow model considering vehicle braking effect Ai, Wen Huan

97 5 artikel
11 State equation of two-dimensional inchworm-type active particles Ou, Guang-Tao

97 5 artikel
12 Statistical moment method in studying the melting of tungsten: a comprehensive review Nguyen, Hoc Quang

97 5 artikel
13 Surface effects on magnetic properties of a ferrimagnetic mixed spin (1/2, 7/2) Blume-Capel system Saadi, H.

97 5 artikel
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland