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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An efficient layer node attack strategy to dismantle large multiplex networks Han, Jihui

94 3 artikel
2 Complexity measures for probability distributions with infinite domains Rizzi, Felipe A.

94 3 artikel
3 Description of Shapiro steps on the potential energy surface of a Frenkel–Kontorova model, Part II: free boundaries of the chain Quapp, W.

94 3 artikel
4 Description of Shapiro steps on the potential energy surface of a Frenkel–Kontorova model Part I: The chain in a variable box Quapp, W.

94 3 artikel
5 Electronic properties of graphene quantum ring with wedge disclination Belouad, Abdelhadi

94 3 artikel
6 Evolution of supersonic 2-crowdion clusters in a 3D Morse lattice Shepelev, I. A.

94 3 artikel
7 External electric and magnetic field effects on the polaron in a wurtzite nitride nanowire embedded in a nonpolar matrix Asatryan, Anna L.

94 3 artikel
8 Ferromagnetic and spin-glass like transition in the q-neighbor Ising model on random graphs Krawiecki, A.

94 3 artikel
9 Graphene and boron nitride nanoribbons with multiple doping: an ab initio study Guerra, T.

94 3 artikel
10 Jellium at finite temperature using the restricted worm algorithm Fantoni, Riccardo

94 3 artikel
11 Kinetic Ising model under sinusoidal oscillating external magnetic field: hysteresis and dynamic phase transition Chattopadhyay, Sourav

94 3 artikel
12 Magnetic field and pressure induced valence and metal-insulator transitions in the spin-one-half Falicov–Kimball model Farkašovský, Pavol

94 3 artikel
13 Momentum space imaging of nonsymmorphic superconductors with locally broken inversion symmetry Biderang, Mehdi

94 3 artikel
14 Particles, conformal invariance and criticality in pure and disordered systems Delfino, Gesualdo

94 3 artikel
15 Supersymmetric spin–phonon coupling prevents odd integer spins from quantum tunneling Irländer, Kilian

94 3 artikel
16 The effect of pressure on the electronic and optical properties of Sr2CeO4: a first principles study Zhang, Yanjun

94 3 artikel
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland