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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acculturation and the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games Lütz, Alessandra F.

94 11 artikel
2 A first-principles study for the elastic and mechanical properties of Ti64, Ti6242 and Ti6246 alloys Güler, E.

94 11 artikel
3 Cooperation evolves by the payoff-difference-based probabilistic reward Ohdaira, Tetsushi

94 11 artikel
4 Definition of the fluctuation function in the detrended fluctuation analysis and its variants Berthelot, Bastien

94 11 artikel
5 Electronic properties, stability, and lattice thermal conductivity of bulk Janus 3R-PtXY (X, Y=S, Se, Te) transition-metal dichalcogenide Diery, W. A.

94 11 artikel
6 Fidelity-mediated analysis of the transverse-field XY chain with the long-range interactions: anisotropy-driven multi-criticality Nishiyama, Yoshihiro

94 11 artikel
7 Impact of time delays and environmental noise on the extinction of a population dynamics model Zhang, Chun

94 11 artikel
8 Intrinsic localized spin waves in an antiferromagnetic spin system with next nearest neighbour interactions Jeyaseeli, A. Jarlet

94 11 artikel
9 Multiple timescale molecular dynamics with very large time steps: avoidance of resonances Abreu, C. R. A.

94 11 artikel
10 Phase diagram of the SU(3) Fermi–Hubbard model with next-neighbor interactions Pérez-Romero, A.

94 11 artikel
11 Reaction coordinates in complex systems-a perspective Rogal, Jutta

94 11 artikel
12 Relations between anomalous diffusion and fluctuation scaling: the case of ultraslow diffusion and time-scale-independent fluctuation scaling in language Watanabe, Hayafumi

94 11 artikel
13 Searching for clusters of targets under stochastic resetting Calvert, Georgia R.

94 11 artikel
14 Spontaneous decay of artificial atoms in a three-qubit system Greenberg, Ya. S.

94 11 artikel
15 Two-component localized vibrational modes in fcc metals Bachurina, O. V.

94 11 artikel
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland