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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Monte-Carlo tree search algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling in manufacturing systems Saqlain, M.

35 2 p. 548-571
2 A prediction model of patient satisfaction: policy evaluation and sensitivity analysis Wang, Zi Yang

35 2 p. 455-486
3 Balancing earliness and tardiness within workload control order release: an assessment by simulation Haeussler, Stefan

35 2 p. 487-508
4 Capacity planning in a decentralized autologous cell therapy manufacturing network for low-cost resilience Li, Junxuan

35 2 p. 295-319
5 Flexible scheduling of diagnostic tests in automotive manufacturing König, Simone

35 2 p. 320-342
6 Fluid models for customer service web chat systems with interactive automated service Yu, Miao

35 2 p. 572-598
7 Optimal product service system configuration considering pairing utility and uncertain customer behavior Zhang, Yilun

35 2 p. 343-375
8 Order and rack sequencing in a robotic mobile fulfillment system with multiple picking stations WANG, Bingqian

35 2 p. 509-547
9 Performance analysis of a drop-swap terminal to mitigate truck congestion at chemical sites Wibowo, Budhi S.

35 2 p. 416-454
10 Solving the picker routing problem in multi-block high-level storage systems using metaheuristics Cano, Jose Alejandro

35 2 p. 376-415
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland