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                             30 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of periodic and solitary waves in a magnetosonic quantum dusty plasma Demiray, Hilmi

95 6 p. 1255-1261
2 Analytical solutions of the Proca equation for modified Manning–Rosen potential with centrifugal term and direct coupling approaches by hypergeometric method Pamungkas, Oky Rio

95 6 p. 1193-1201
3 Characterization of optical waveguide in chalcogenide glass formed by helium ion implantation Chen, Jing-Yi

95 6 p. 1239-1243
4 Closed-form solutions for the quadratic mixed-parity nonlinear oscillator Beléndez, Augusto

95 6 p. 1213-1224
5 Coulomb potential in the presence of minimal uncertainty in momentum Hamil, B.

95 6 p. 1079-1084
6 Data background levels of the metre and decimetre wavelength observations by E-CALLISTO network: the Gauribidanur and Greenland sites Wan Mokhtar, W. Z. A.

95 6 p. 1051-1060
7 Effect of Hall current in transversely isotropic magneto-thermoelastic rotating medium with fractional-order generalized heat transfer due to ramp-type heat Kaur, Iqbal

95 6 p. 1165-1174
8 Effect of thermal annealing on the optical properties of Ge20Se65S15 thin films Dongol, M.

95 6 p. 1245-1253
9 Excitation functions of 58Ni(n, charged particle) from threshold to 20 MeV using NLD models Rezaur Rahman, A. K. M.

95 6 p. 1231-1238
10 First-principles study on the structural, electronic, elastic and thermal properties of P42/mnm-BSi Li, Qiang

95 6 p. 1157-1164
11 Half-lives of proton emitters studied with the KDE0v1 Skyrme interaction Madhuri, K.

95 6 p. 1225-1230
12 Influence of a magnetic field on Rashba spin–orbit interaction in an anisotropic quantum dot Shan, Shu-Ping

95 6 p. 1085-1089
13 Influence of MHD on micropolar fluid flow past a sphere implanted in porous media Madasu, Krishna Prasad

95 6 p. 1175-1183
14 Information entropy and population inversion of a three-level semiconductor quantum dot Abo-Kahla, D. A. M.

95 6 p. 1295-1304
15 Magnetic design of a new source for bending magnet beamlines at ultra-low emittance ILSF ring Abbaslou, M.

95 6 p. 1185-1192
16 Magnetic field effect on piezo-thermoelastic wave propagation in a half-space within dual-phase-lag Ahmed, E. A. A.

95 6 p. 1101-1111
17 Memory-dependent derivative theory of ultrafast laser-induced behavior in magneto-thermo-viscoelastic metal films Hendy, M. H.

95 6 p. 1121-1130
18 Performance optimization of a nanotube core–shell semi-junctionless p+p+n heterojunction tunnel field effect transistor Ahangari, Zahra

95 6 p. 1091-1099
19 Preliminary analysis of rain attenuation and frequency scaling method for satellite communication Usha, A.

95 6 p. 1033-1040
20 Proto-strange quark star structure Bordbar, Gholam Hossein

95 6 p. 1061-1067
21 Reflection of thermoelastic plane waves at a stress-free insulated solid boundary with memory-dependent derivative Sarkar, Nihar

95 6 p. 1203-1211
22 Relativistic compact stars in the Kuchowicz space-time Singh, K N

95 6 p. 1271-1281
23 Spin filtering in GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As multiple quantum wells Solaimani, M.

95 6 p. 1141-1145
24 Spinning and spinning deviation equations of bi-metric type theories Kahil, Magd E.

95 6 p. 1283-1293
25 Studies of structural, dielectric and electrical characteristics of complex perovskite: Sr(Ni1/3Mn1/3W1/3)O3 Khatua, Deeptimayee

95 6 p. 1147-1155
26 Study of ionospheric scintillation during geomagnetic storms at equatorial anomaly region Bhopal Rashmi, Gupta C.

95 6 p. 1069-1077
27 The combined influences for solar-geomagnetic activities and the atmospheric circulation NAO on global surface temperatures El-Borie, M. A.

95 6 p. 1041-1049
28 Thermoluminescence and photoluminescence of magnesium-doped lithium tetraborate nanoparticles Rahimi, M.

95 6 p. 1113-1119
29 The spin suppression of EM modulation instability in magnetized plasmas Hu, Qiang-Lin

95 6 p. 1263-1270
30 TMR Al12N12 molecule by considering the effect of temperature Niazian, M. R.

95 6 p. 1131-1140
                             30 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland