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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of Unmatched Fishing Activities Between VIIRS and Field Data (AIS and V-Pass) Around Korean Peninsula Lee, Boram

59 3 artikel
2 Coral Communities Distribution in the Context of Site’s Reef Formation Type in Wakatobi National Park, Indonesia Fahlevy, Karizma

59 3 artikel
3 Detection of Cyclic Imines (CIs) Toxins in Whole Body of Shellfishes: First Monitoring Report of CIs in South Korea Shellfishes Kim, Young-Sang

59 3 artikel
4 Diversity and Distribution Patterns of Biofouling Macrobenthos Based on the Ship Navigation Type Gwak, Si Jin

59 3 artikel
5 Erratum: Detection of Cyclic Imines (CIs) Toxins in Whole Body of Shellfishes: First Monitoring Report of CIs in South Korea Shellfishes Kim, Young-Sang

59 3 artikel
6 Monitoring the Mangrove Colonization on the Uplifted Reef Beds in the North Andaman Island, India Singh, Anoop Raj

59 3 artikel
7 Optimal Proxy Indices for Annual Marine Heatwave Characteristics Using Monthly Sea Surface Temperature Pak, Gyundo

59 3 artikel
8 Predicting Underwater Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Using Random Forests in the São Sebastião Channel, Brazil Foloni-Neto, Herminio

59 3 artikel
9 Research on a Numerical Simulation Model of Marine Drifting Debris: A Case Study of Penghu Waters Fang, Shyang-Chyuan

59 3 artikel
10 Resilience-Based Assessment of Shallow Water Patchy Reefs in Palk Bay of South East Coast of India Sadhukhan, Koushik

59 3 artikel
11 Sea Turtles are at Risk: Unraveling the Major Threats and Conservation Challenges Encountered by Sea Turtles in Southern Sri Lanka Thilakarathne, E. P. D. N.

59 3 artikel
12 Wave Climate, Sediment Transport and Shoreline Evolution in the West Littoral of Algeria Djili, Mohammed

59 3 artikel
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland