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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Comparing Environmental DNA Metabarcoding and Underwater Visual Census to Monitor Korean Coastal Fish Community Lee, Yong-Deuk

57 4 p. 592-606
2 Erratum to: Spatio-Temporal Variation of the M2 Tidal Current from Field Observations in the Jeju Strait Song, Kyu‑Min

57 4 p. 680
3 Estimation of Potential Habitats for Three Species of Bivalves Using the Habitat Variables in Gomso Bay Tidal Flat, Korea Zeon, Seung Ryul

57 4 p. 607-617
4 Gulf of Urabá (Caribbean Colombia), a Tropical Estuary: A Review with Some General Lessons About How it Works Contreras-Fernández, Sebastián

57 4 p. 556-575
5 Influence of the Cape Angle and Flow Speed on Eddy Formation and Detachment: Experimental Results and Comparison with North Brazil Current Eddies Cruz-Gómez, Raúl C.

57 4 p. 618-630
6 Meiofauna and Nematode Community Composition in Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Antarctica Kang, Teawook

57 4 p. 672-679
7 Numerical Study of Influencing Factors on Tidal Wave Propagation in the Persian Gulf Hoseini, S. Mahya

57 4 p. 642-671
8 Reproductive and Growth Parameters of the Razor Clam, Cultellus maximus (Gmelin, 1791), in Southern Vietnam Lai, Quan T.

57 4 p. 631-641
9 Spatio-Temporal Variation of the M2 Tidal Current from Field Observations in the Jeju Strait Song, Kyu‑Min

57 4 p. 576-591
10 Sub- and Marine Mediterranean Basin Antimicrobial Resistance and Environmental Concerns: A Case Study of Tunisia Hassen, Bilel

57 4 p. 541-555
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland