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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Additive Manufacturing of Functionally Graded Materials: A Comprehensive Review Teacher, Mohit

25 1 p. 165-197
2 Artificial Intelligence in the Design of Innovative Metamaterials: A Comprehensive Review Song, JunHo

25 1 p. 225-244
3 Assessment of Various Ductile Damage Criteria in Numerical Simulations of Machining Processes Hejazi, Mojtaba

25 1 p. 131-139
4 Design and Feasibility Test of Motorized Hand-Held Devices for Intra-compartmental Pressure Monitoring Yang, Bomi

25 1 p. 99-109
5 Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Fatigue Life of AA2024 Aluminium Alloy-Based Nanocomposite Reinforced by TiO2 Nanoparticles Under the Effect of Heat Treatment Mahan, Hamid M.

25 1 p. 141-153
6 FleTbot, A Flexible Thermoplastic Polyurethane Applied Tri-spiral Spoke Wheel Robot Kim, Kyungmin

25 1 p. 91-98
7 Microstructure and Performance Study of Al/Cu Laser Welding with Ag Interlayer Chen, Tao

25 1 p. 79-89
8 Multi-objective Robust Optimization Over Time for Dynamic Disassembly Sequence Planning Zhang, Xin

25 1 p. 111-130
9 Real-Time Defect Monitoring of Laser Micro-drilling Using Reflective Light and Machine Learning Models Lee, Yong Kwan

25 1 p. 155-164
10 Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Dual-Detection Confocal Probes Sato, Ryo

25 1 p. 199-223
11 Specimen Size Effect on Behavior of Mg–3Al–1Zn Magnesium Alloy in Macro to Micro-scale Deformation Khandani, S. T.

25 1 p. 65-77
12 Study on Polysaccharide Bonded Abrasive Tool Using Hydrothermal Gelatinisation for Green Machining of Single Crystal Sapphire Wu, Zhe

25 1 p. 1-19
13 Three-Dimensional Measurement and Finite-Element Simulation for Tool Wear Estimation in Cutting of Inconel 718 Superalloy Yoon, Il-Chae

25 1 p. 21-34
14 Tool Wear in Longitudinal-Torsional Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Drilling of CFRP/Ti Stacks and Its Influence on Drilling Quality Wang, Chunhao

25 1 p. 35-50
15 Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Process Using LLE and HDBSCAN by Style-GAN as a Feature Extractor Lee, Taeheon

25 1 p. 51-63
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland