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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Can unrecognized fecal loading without infrequent bowel movements be a cause of symptoms in a subset of patients with functional bowel disorders? Kang, Jin-Yong

40 2 p. 234-240
2 Chicago Classification of esophageal motility disorders: Past, present, and future DeLay, Kelli

40 2 p. 120-130
3 Cognitive dysfunction in ulcerative colitis patients in remission and its comparison with patients with irritable bowel syndrome and healthy controls Sharma, Neetu

40 2 p. 169-175
4 Diagnostic utility of alarm features in predicting malignancy in patients with dyspeptic symptoms Shetty, Anurag

40 2 p. 183-188
5 Editorial commentary on the Indian Journal of Gastroenterology - March-April 2021 Limdi, Jimmy K

40 2 p. 97-101
6 Effect of moderate aerobic exercises on symptoms of functional dyspepsia Rane, Siddhesh Vijay

40 2 p. 189-197
7 Efficacy of polyethylene glycol 3350 as compared to lactulose in treatment of ROME IV criteria–defined pediatric functional constipation: A randomized controlled trial Dheivamani, Nirmala

40 2 p. 227-233
8 Evaluation of esophageal motor function in patients with gastroesophageal reflux using multiple rapid swallows Jain, Mayank

40 2 p. 241-248
9 Low prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in vegetarians Wenzl, Elisabeth M.

40 2 p. 154-161
10 Micro-organic basis of functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorders: Role of microRNAs in GI pacemaking cells Singh, Rajan

40 2 p. 102-110
11 miR-222 regulates cell growth, apoptosis, and autophagy of interstitial cells of Cajal isolated from slow transit constipation rats by targeting c-kit Zheng, Hao

40 2 p. 198-208
12 Prevalence and risk factors for gastroesophageal reflux disease in the Indian population: A meta-analysis and meta-regression study Rai, Sushmita

40 2 p. 209-219
13 Prevalence, overlap, and risk factors for Rome IV functional gastrointestinal disorders among college students in northern India Goyal, Omesh

40 2 p. 144-153
14 Respiratory function and comfort levels in three different defecatory simulation postures in the elderly Tashiro, Daisuke

40 2 p. 131-136
15 The effect of a low-nickel diet and nickel sensitization on gastroesophageal reflux disease: A pilot study Yousaf, Ahmed

40 2 p. 137-143
16 The prevalence of uninvestigated dyspepsia and the association of physical exercise with quality of life of uninvestigated dyspepsia patients in Indonesia: An internet-based survey Huang, Ian

40 2 p. 176-182
17 The relationship between dietary intakes and prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in adolescent girls: A cross-sectional study Roudi, Fatemeh

40 2 p. 220-226
18 The role of diet in the pathophysiology and management of irritable bowel syndrome El-Salhy, Magdy

40 2 p. 111-119
19 The water load test in school children and adolescents with functional gastrointestinal disorders Peralta-Palmezano, Juan Javier

40 2 p. 162-168
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland