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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Multi-perspective Model for Protein–Ligand-Binding Affinity Prediction Zhang, Xianfeng

15 4 p. 696-709
2 An Improved Soft Subspace Clustering Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for MR Image Segmentation Ling, Lei

15 4 p. 560-577
3 A Novel Deep Learning Model for Medical Image Segmentation with Convolutional Neural Network and Transformer Zhang, Zhuo

15 4 p. 663-677
4 CD47Binder: Identify CD47 Binding Peptides by Combining Next-Generation Phage Display Data and Multiple Peptide Descriptors Li, Bowen

15 4 p. 578-589
5 Classification of Glomerular Pathology Images in Children Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Improved SE-ResNet Module Kong, Xiang-Yong

15 4 p. 602-615
6 Development of an Expert-Level Right Ventricular Abnormality Detection Algorithm Based on Deep Learning Liu, Zeye

15 4 p. 653-662
7 Haemodynamic Effects on the Development and Stability of Atherosclerotic Plaques in Arterial Blood Vessel Lei, Weirui

15 4 p. 616-632
8 Identification of gene-level methylation for disease prediction Augustine, Jisha

15 4 p. 678-695
9 Identifying Lymph Node Metastasis-Related Factors in Breast Cancer Using Differential Modular and Mutational Structural Analysis Liu, Xingyi

15 4 p. 525-541
10 scFED: Clustering Identifying Cell Types of scRNA-Seq Data Based on Feature Engineering Denoising Liu, Yang

15 4 p. 590-601
11 Spatial–Temporal EEG Fusion Based on Neural Network for Major Depressive Disorder Detection Zhang, Bingtao

15 4 p. 542-559
12 StoneNet: An Efficient Lightweight Model Based on Depthwise Separable Convolutions for Kidney Stone Detection from CT Images Asif, Sohaib

15 4 p. 633-652
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland