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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessment of Microbiological Quality of Fresh Vegetables and Oysters Produced in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Cammarata, Robertina Viviana

13 4 p. 507-519
2 Assessment of Viral Contamination of Five Brazilian Artisanal Cheese Produced from Raw Milk: a Randomized Survey Silva, Marcio Roberto

13 4 p. 528-534
3 Bacteriophage Therapy for Critical and High-Priority Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and Phage Cocktail-Antibiotic Formulation Perspective Kaur, Gursneh

13 4 p. 433-446
4 Development of a Specific Anti-capsid Antibody- and Magnetic Bead-Based Immunoassay to Detect Human Norovirus Particles in Stool Samples and Spiked Mussels via Flow Cytometry Razafimahefa, Ravo M.

13 4 p. 493-506
5 Environmental Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in Wastewater and Groundwater in Quintana Roo, Mexico Rosiles-González, Gabriela

13 4 p. 457-469
6 Hepatitis A Outbreaks and Environmental Circulation of Genotype IA Strains in the São Paulo City, 2017–2018 Prado, Tatiana

13 4 p. 520-527
7 Identification of Workers at Increased Risk of Infection During a COVID-19 Outbreak in a Meat Processing Plant, France, May 2020 Mallet, Yoann

13 4 p. 535-543
8 Inactivation of Murine Norovirus Suspended in Organic Matter Simulating Actual Conditions of Viral Contamination Jubinville, Eric

13 4 p. 544-552
9 Murine Norovirus Interaction with Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm in a Dynamic Bioreactor Samandoulgou, Idrissa

13 4 p. 485-492
10 Norovirus Foodborne Outbreak Associated With the Consumption of Ice Pop, Southern Brazil, 2020 Fumian, Tulio Machado

13 4 p. 553-559
11 Optimizing Human Intestinal Enteroids for Environmental Monitoring of Human Norovirus Overbey, Katie N.

13 4 p. 470-484
12 RT-LAMP: A Cheaper, Simpler and Faster Alternative for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Wastewater Amoah, Isaac Dennis

13 4 p. 447-456
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland