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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Detection of Human Adenovirus, Rotavirus, and Enterovirus in Tap Water and Their Association with the Overall Quality of Water in Karachi, Pakistan Rashid, Muhammad

13 1 p. 44-52
2 Molecular Detection of Human Enteric Adenoviruses in Water Samples Collected from Lake Victoria Waters Along Homa Bay Town, Homa Bay County, Kenya Opere, Wasonga Michael

13 1 p. 32-43
3 Occurrence of Human Enteric Viruses in Water Sources and Shellfish: A Focus on Africa Upfold, Nicole S.

13 1 p. 1-31
4 Optimisation of a PMAxx™-RT-qPCR Assay and the Preceding Extraction Method to Selectively Detect Infectious Murine Norovirus Particles in Mussels Razafimahefa, Ravo M.

13 1 p. 93-106
5 Optimization and Implementation of the Virus Extraction Method for Hepatitis E Virus Detection from Raw Pork Liver Zhao, Mitchie Y.

13 1 p. 74-83
6 Pepper Mild Mottle Virus as Indicator of Pollution: Assessment of Prevalence and Concentration in Different Water Environments in Italy Bonanno Ferraro, G.

13 1 p. 117-125
7 Persistent Detection of Cosavirus and Saffold Cardiovirus in Riachuelo River, Argentina López, Gabriela Riviello

13 1 p. 64-73
8 Rotavirus Surveillance in Tap Water, Recycled Water, and Sewage Sludge in Thailand: A Longitudinal Study, 2007–2018 Kittigul, Leera

13 1 p. 53-63
9 Survival and Inactivation by Advanced Oxidative Process of Foodborne Viruses in Model Low-Moisture Foods Nasheri, Neda

13 1 p. 107-116
10 Viral Interference as a Factor of False-Negative in the Infectious Adenovirus Detection Using Integrated Cell Culture-PCR with a BGM Cell Line Sano, Daisuke

13 1 p. 84-92
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland