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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Community-Partnered Qualitative Study on Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives: The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Perceived Impact on Black and Latinx Youth Mental Health and Community-Driven School Policy Recommendations Wright, Blanche

15 4 p. 1145-1157
2 A Latent Class Analysis of Mental Health Symptoms in Primary School Children: Exploring Associations with School Attendance Problems Sharpe, Jane

15 4 p. 1128-1144
3 Characteristics of Victimization Dynamics as Predictors of Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Adolescents: A Latent Class Analysis Bauman, Sheri

15 4 p. 1049-1065
4 Forms of Peer Victimization and Their Association to the Functions of Aggression Among Preschoolers Díaz, Kathleen I.

15 4 p. 1066-1075
5 Interventions to Reduce Racial Bias and Prejudice in Preschool Children: A Systematic Review of the Literature Since 2010 Slobodin, Ortal

15 4 p. 1017-1032
6 Longitudinal Evaluation of School Climate in Predicting Mood and Academic Functioning in Adolescence: The Role of Academic Motivation Green, Cathrin D.

15 4 p. 1033-1048
7 Student Demographics as Predictors of Risk Placements via Universal Behavioral Screening Ormiston, Heather E.

15 4 p. 1076-1089
8 Teachers’ Willingness to Seek Help for Violence: The Mediating Effect of School Climate Tarablus, Tamar

15 4 p. 1090-1101
9 The Kids aren’t Alright: A Brief Positive Psychological Intervention During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Spanish Sample of Adolescents Muro, Anna

15 4 p. 1173-1184
10 The Multivariate Associations Among Bullying Experiences, Executive Function, and Psychological Disturbance Kishimoto, Tomoko

15 4 p. 1158-1172
11 Turn 2 Us: Supporting Mental Health Literacy of School Personnel in Majority Latinx, Urban Elementary Schools Montañez, Evelyn

15 4 p. 1102-1112
12 “We're Teachers Right, We're Not Social Workers?” Teacher Perspectives on Student Mental Health in a Tribal School Henderson Smith, Lora

15 4 p. 1113-1127
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland