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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Early twentieth century American exceptionalism on wheels: the role of rapid automobile adoption in economic development Cheng, Dong

14 2 p. 211-221
2 Land use and land cover change and their impact on temperature over central India Nayak, Sridhara

14 2 p. 129-140
3 Lockdown measures and air quality: evidence from Italian provinces Malpede, Maurizio

14 2 p. 101-110
4 Spatial transmission of the economic impacts of COVID-19 through international trade Rose, Adam

14 2 p. 169-196
5 The effects of taxes and subsidies on environmental qualities in a differentiated duopoly Garella, Paolo G.

14 2 p. 197-209
6 The impact of integration policies on tourism industry convergence in the Yangtze River Delta: theoretical mechanism and empirical test Tang, Rui

14 2 p. 141-167
7 Using boosting for forecasting electric energy consumption during a recession: a case study for the Brazilian State Rio Grande do Sul Lindenmeyer, Guilherme

14 2 p. 111-128
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland