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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Algebraic closure of a rational function Ollagnier, Jean Moulin

5 2 p. 285-300
2 A minimum principle for Lyapunov exponents and a higher-dimensional version of a theorem of Mañé Cao, Yongluo

5 2 p. 261-273
3 Cantor necklaces and structurally unstable Sierpinski curve Julia sets for rational maps Devaney, Robert L.

5 2 p. 337-359
4 Corrections and complements to “Liouvillian integration of the Lotka-Volterra system” Ollagnier, Jean Moulin

5 2 p. 275-284
5 Generalized Liénard equations, cyclicity and Hopf-Takens bifurcations Caubergh, Magdalena

5 2 p. 195-222
6 Nonholonomic systems and the geometry of constraints Kobayashi, Marcelo H.

5 2 p. 247-259
7 On a homoclinic group that is not isomorphic to the character group Clark, Alex

5 2 p. 361-365
8 Subharmonic bifurcations near infinity Messias, Marcelo

5 2 p. 301-336
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland