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1 |
A Class of New Solvable Nonlinear Isochronous Systems and Their Classical Dynamics
Mohanasubha, R. |
22 |
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2 |
Analysis and Applications of Sequential Hybrid ψ-Hilfer Fractional Differential Equations and Inclusions in Banach Algebra
Boutiara, A. |
22 |
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3 |
Analysis on the Controllability of Hilfer Fractional Neutral Differential Equations with Almost Sectorial Operators and Infinite Delay via Measure of Noncompactness
Bose, C. S. Varun |
22 |
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4 |
Approximate Controllability of Non-autonomous Second Order Impulsive Functional Evolution Equations in Banach Spaces
Arora, Sumit |
22 |
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5 |
Asymptotic and Oscillatory Behaviour of Third Order Non-linear Differential Equations with Canonical Operator and Mixed Neutral Terms
Alzabut, J. |
22 |
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6 |
Besicovitch Almost Periodic Solutions to Semilinear Evolution Dynamic Equations with Varying Delay
Li, Yongkun |
22 |
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7 |
Bounded Non-oscillatory Solutions of Nabla Forced Fractional Difference Equations with Positive and Negative Terms
Alzabut, J. |
22 |
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8 |
Discrete Caputo Delta Fractional Economic Cobweb Models
Chen, Churong |
22 |
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9 |
Discussion on the Approximate Controllability of Nonlocal Fractional Derivative by Mittag-Leffler Kernel to Stochastic Differential Systems
Dineshkumar, C. |
22 |
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10 |
Dynamical Analysis of a Discrete Amensalism System with the Beddington–DeAngelis Functional Response and Allee Effect for the Unaffected Species
Zhou, Qimei |
22 |
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11 |
Dynamical Behavior and Wave Speed Perturbations in the (2 + 1) pKP Equation
Ma, Wen-Xiu |
22 |
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12 |
Dynamics of N-Species Cooperation Models with Feedback Controls and Continuous Delays
Jiang, Zhao |
22 |
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13 |
Elastic Two-Kink, Breather, Multiple Periodic, Hybrid and Half-/Local-Periodic Kink Solutions of a Sharma-Tasso-Olver-Burgers Equation for the Nonlinear Dispersive Waves
Zhou, Tian-Yu |
22 |
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14 |
Exactly Solvable Quadratic Differential Equation Systems Through Generalized Inversion
Bácsi, Ádám |
22 |
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15 |
Existence and Multiplicity of Sign-Changing Solutions for Klein–Gordon Equation Coupled with Born–Infeld Theory with Subcritical Exponent
Zhang, Ziheng |
22 |
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16 |
Existence of Periodic Solutions for the Forced Pendulum Equations of Variable Length
Yang, Hujun |
22 |
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17 |
Existence of Periodic Solutions to Quaternion-Valued Impulsive Differential Equations
Suo, Leping |
22 |
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18 |
Generalized Fractional Differential Systems with Stieltjes Boundary Conditions
Nyamoradi, Nemat |
22 |
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19 |
Global Dynamics and Optimal Control of Multi-Age Structured Vector Disease Model with Vaccination, Relapse and General Incidence
Wang, Sheng-Fu |
22 |
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20 |
Global Phase Portrait and Local Integrability of Holomorphic Systems
Gouveia, Luiz F. S. |
22 |
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21 |
Ground State Solution for Schrödinger–KdV System with Periodic Potential
Liang, Fei-Fei |
22 |
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22 |
Hyers–Ulam Stability of Linear Recurrence with Constant Coefficients Over the Quaternion Skew Yield
Zou, Yuqun |
22 |
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23 |
Jacobian-Elliptic-Function and Rogue-Periodic-Wave Solutions of a Fifth-Order Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in an Optical Fiber
Wei, Cheng-Cheng |
22 |
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24 |
Linearization and Perturbations of Piecewise Smooth Vector Fields with a Boundary Equilibrium
Li, Tao |
22 |
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25 |
Mixed Higher-Order Rogue Waves and Solitons for the Coupled Modified Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Xu, Tao |
22 |
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26 |
Multiple Positive Solutions for Fractional Schrödinger–Poisson System with Doubly Critical Exponents
Jiang, Wei |
22 |
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27 |
Nehari-type Oscillation Theorems for Second Order Functional Dynamic Equations
Hassan, Taher S. |
22 |
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28 |
Nonlinear Sliding and Nonlinear Regularization of Piecewise Smooth System
Chen, Xiaoyan |
22 |
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29 |
Observability for Markovian Jump Boolean Network with Random Delay Effect in States
Gui, Xudong |
22 |
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30 |
On Mean Sensitive Tuples of Discrete Amenable Group Actions
Liu, Xiusheng |
22 |
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31 |
Oscillatory Behavior of Semi-canonical Nonlinear Neutral Differential Equations of Third-Order Via Comparison Principles
Thandapani, Ethiraju |
22 |
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32 |
Reducibility for a Class of Nonlinear Quasi-Periodic Systems under Brjuno-Russmann’s Non-resonance Conditions
Zhu, Chunpeng |
22 |
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33 |
Representation of a Solution for a Neutral Type Differential Equation with Pure Delay on Fractal Sets
Qiu, Kee |
22 |
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34 |
Second Order Iterative Dynamic Boundary Value Problems with Mixed Derivative Operators with Applications
Alzabut, Jehad |
22 |
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35 |
Symbolically Computing the Shallow Water via a (2+1)-Dimensional Generalized Modified Dispersive Water-Wave System: Similarity Reductions, Scaling and Hetero-Bäcklund Transformations
Gao, Xin-Yi |
22 |
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36 |
The Controllability for Second-Order Semilinear Impulsive Systems
Wen, Qian |
22 |
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37 |
The Involution Kernel and the Dual Potential for Functions in the Walters’ Family
Hataishi, L. Y. |
22 |
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38 |
Thermodynamic Formalism for General Iterated Function Systems with Measures
Brasil, Jader E. |
22 |
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The Rosenzweig–MacArthur Graphical Criterion for a Predator-Prey Model with Variable Mortality Rate
Hammoum, Amina |
22 |
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40 |
Viral Infection Model with Diffusion and Distributed Delay: Finite-Dimensional Global Attractor
Rezounenko, Alexander |
22 |
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41 |
Well-Posedness of Inverse Sturm–Liouville Problem with Fractional Derivative
Koyunbakan, Hikmet |
22 |
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