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                             34 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Lipschitz Version of the λ-Lemma and a Characterization of Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Orbits Pires, Leonardo

20 3 artikel
2 Analytical Traveling Wave and Soliton Solutions of the (2+1) Dimensional Generalized Burgers–Huxley Equation Leta, Temesgen Desta

20 3 artikel
3 An Impulsive Predator–Prey System with Modified Leslie–Gower Functional Response and Diffusion Li, Xiaoyue

20 3 artikel
4 A Quasilinear Predator-Prey Model with Indirect Prey-Taxis Xing, Jie

20 3 artikel
5 Attractors of Direct Products Minkov, Stanislav

20 3 artikel
6 Compact Almost Automorphic Function on Time Scales and Its Application Li, Yongkun

20 3 artikel
7 Compression–Expansion Fixed Point Theorems for Decomposable Maps and Applications to Discontinuous ϕ-Laplacian problems Rodríguez–López, Jorge

20 3 artikel
8 Continuous Dependence and Differentiability of Solutions of Second-Order Impulsive Differential Equations on Initial Values and Impulsive Points Wen, Qian

20 3 artikel
9 Convexity and symmetry of central configurations in the five-body problem: Lagrange plus two Barrabés, E.

20 3 artikel
10 Correction to: Some Applications of the Poincaré–Bendixson Theorem Roussarie, Robert

20 3 artikel
11 Dynamics of a Diffusive Avian Influenza Model with Spatial Heterogeneity and General Incidence Rate Duan, Lian

20 3 artikel
12 Equicontinuity of Maps on Local Dendrites Abdelli, Hafedh

20 3 artikel
13 Equivariant Nonautonomous Normal Forms Barreira, Luis

20 3 artikel
14 Existence of Periodic Solutions in the Systems of the Billiard Type Zhang, Xiaoming

20 3 artikel
15 Ground State Sign-Changing Solutions for a Kirchhoff Equation with Asymptotically 3-Linear Nonlinearity Feng, Ren-Ting

20 3 artikel
16 Hetero-Bäcklund Transformation, Bilinear Forms and N Solitons for a Generalized Three-Coupled Korteweg-de Vries System Gao, Xin-Yi

20 3 artikel
17 Infinite Series Asymptotic Expansions for Decaying Solutions of Dissipative Differential Equations with Non-smooth Nonlinearity Cao, Dat

20 3 artikel
18 Limit Cycles in the Discontinuous Planar Piecewise Linear Systems with Three Zones Li, Zhengkang

20 3 artikel
19 Lyapunov Functions for Investigating Stability Properties of a Fractional-Order Computer Virus Propagation Model Hoang, Manh Tuan

20 3 artikel
20 Nonlinear Dynamical Analysis and Optimal Control Strategies for a New Rumor Spreading Model with Comprehensive Interventions Li, Tingting

20 3 artikel
21 On Limit Sets of Monotone Maps on Regular Curves Daghar, Aymen

20 3 artikel
22 On the Existence of Solitary Wave Solutions for Perturbed Degasperis-Procesi Equation Xu, Guoan

20 3 artikel
23 On the Number of the Classes of Topological Conjugacy of Pixton Diffeomorphisms Akhmet’ev, P. M.

20 3 artikel
24 On The Omega-Limit Map on 1-Dimensional Continua Askri, Ghassen

20 3 artikel
25 Pseudo Affine-Periodic Solutions for Delay Differential Systems Du, Jiayin

20 3 artikel
26 Reiterative Distributional Chaos in Non-autonomous Discrete Systems Yin, Zongbin

20 3 artikel
27 Rotation Domains and Stable Baker Omitted Value Ghora, Subhasis

20 3 artikel
28 Several Bifurcation Mechanisms for Limit Cycles in a Predator–Prey System Zegeling, André

20 3 artikel
29 Some Applications of the Poincaré–Bendixson Theorem Roussarie, Robert

20 3 artikel
30 Stability and Hopf Bifurcation Analysis for a Two-Species Commensalism System with Delay Li, Tianyang

20 3 artikel
31 Stability and Neimark–Sacker Bifurcation of Certain Mixed Monotone Rational Second-Order Difference Equation Nurkanović, Zehra

20 3 artikel
32 Structure of the Solution Set to Fractional Differential Inclusions with Impulses at Variable Times on Compact Interval Wang, Qi

20 3 artikel
33 Traveling Wave Solutions of Generalized Dullin–Gottwald–Holm Equation with Parabolic Law Nonlinearity Zhang, Yijian

20 3 artikel
34 Typical Behaviour of Random Interval Homeomorphisms Bradík, Jaroslav

20 3 artikel
                             34 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland