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                             36 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Discrete-Time Model for Consumer–Resource Interaction with Stability, Bifurcation and Chaos Control Din, Qamar

20 2 artikel
2 Analytically Integrable Centers of Perturbations of Cubic Homogeneous Systems Algaba, Antonio

20 2 artikel
3 An Improved Criterion for the Unique Existence of the Limit Cycle of a Liénard-type System with One Parameter Hayashi, Makoto

20 2 artikel
4 Attraction Region for the Classical Lotka−Volterra Predator−Prey model Caused by impulsive Effects Sugie, Jitsuro

20 2 artikel
5 Central Configurations in the Five-Body Problem: Rhombus Plus One Cornelio, J. Lino

20 2 artikel
6 Chaotic Dynamics of a 2D Hyperbolic PDE with the Boundary Conditions of Superlinear Type Zhu, Pengxian

20 2 artikel
7 Characterizing Orbital-Reversibility Through Normal Forms Algaba, A.

20 2 artikel
8 Creation of Limit Cycles in Piecewise Smooth Vector Fields Tangent to Nested Tori Carvalho, Tiago

20 2 artikel
9 Dynamic Properties of the p-Laplacian Reaction–Diffusion Equation in Multi-dimensional Space Zheng, Shuai

20 2 artikel
10 Dynamics of Second Order Lattice Systems with Almost Periodic Nonlinear Part Abdallah, Ahmed Y.

20 2 artikel
11 Dynamics of Traveling Waves for the Perturbed Generalized KdV Equation Ge, Jianjiang

20 2 artikel
12 Equicontinuous Actions on Semi-Locally Connected and Local Dendrites Haj Salem, Aymen

20 2 artikel
13 Equivalence Transformation, Dynamical Analysis and Exact Solutions of Harry-Dym System with Variable Coefficients Chang, Lina

20 2 artikel
14 Existence and Concentration of Semi-classical Ground State Solutions for Chern–Simons–Schrödinger System Wang, Lin-Jing

20 2 artikel
15 Existence Theory and Ulam’s Stabilities of Fractional Langevin Equation Rizwan, Rizwan

20 2 artikel
16 Families of Symmetric Exchange Orbits in the Planar (1+2n)-Body Problem Bengochea, Abimael

20 2 artikel
17 Ground State Sign-Changing Solution for Schrödinger-Poisson System with Critical Growth Zhang, Ziheng

20 2 artikel
18 Hyers–Ulam and Hyers–Ulam–Rassias Stability of First-Order Nonlinear Dynamic Equations Alghamdi, Maryam A.

20 2 artikel
19 Infinitely Many Solutions for Second-Order Impulsive Differential Inclusions with Relativistic Operator Shang, Suiming

20 2 artikel
20 Invariant Algebraic Curves and Hyperelliptic Limit Cycles of Liénard Systems Qian, Xinjie

20 2 artikel
21 Invariant Algebraic Surfaces and Impasses da Silva, Paulo Ricardo

20 2 artikel
22 Limit Cycles in Two Kinds of Quadratic Reversible Systems with Non-smooth Perturbations Yang, Jihua

20 2 artikel
23 Metric Versus Topological Receptive Entropy of Semigroup Actions Biś, Andrzej

20 2 artikel
24 Normal Forms for Manifolds of Normally Hyperbolic Singularities and Asymptotic Properties of Nearby Transitions Duignan, Nathan

20 2 artikel
25 On the Periodic Structure of the Rabinovitch-Fabrikant System Diab, Zouhair

20 2 artikel
26 On the Second Lyapunov Method for Quaternionic Differential Equations Huang, Song

20 2 artikel
27 Periodic Points of Regular Curve Homeomorphisms Daghar, Aymen

20 2 artikel
28 Perturbed Impulsive Neutral Stochastic Functional Differential Equations Cheng, Lijuan

20 2 artikel
29 Perturbed Second-Order Stochastic Evolution Equations Cheng, Lijuan

20 2 artikel
30 Qualitative Analysis of the Dynamic for the Nonlinear Korteweg–de Vries Equation with a Boundary Memory Chentouf, Boumediène

20 2 artikel
31 Quaternion-Valued Linear Impulsive Differential Equations Suo, Leping

20 2 artikel
32 Some New Characterizations of Weights in Dynamic Inequalities Involving Monotonic Functions Saker, Samir H.

20 2 artikel
33 Spectral Problem and Initial Value Problem of a Nonlocal Sturm-Liouville Equation Li, Jing

20 2 artikel
34 Symmetric Periodic Solutions for the Spatial Maxwell Restricted N+1-Problem with Manev Potential Ascencio, Mauricio

20 2 artikel
35 The Periodic Orbit Conjecture for Steady Euler Flows Cardona, Robert

20 2 artikel
36 Topological Average Shadowing Property on Uniform Spaces Pirfalak, Farzaneh

20 2 artikel
                             36 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland