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1 |
A New Five-Dimensional Hyperchaotic System with Six Coexisting Attractors
Yang, Jiaopeng |
20 |
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2 |
Characterization of the Existence of Non-trivial Limit Cycles for Generalized Abel Equations
Álvarez, M. J. |
20 |
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3 |
Dynamical Behavior of Traveling Wave Solutions for a (2+1)-Dimensional Bogoyavlenskii Coupled System
Leta, Temesgen Desta |
20 |
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4 |
Dynamics of a Family of Meromorphic Functions with Two Essential Singularities Which Are Not Omitted Values
Domínguez, P. |
20 |
1 |
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5 |
Existence and Stability of Pseudo Almost Periodic Solutions for a Delayed Multispecies Logarithmic Population Model with Feedback Control
Wu, Yi |
20 |
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6 |
Existence for Impulsive Semilinear Functional Differential Inclusions
Luo, Yan |
20 |
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7 |
Global Dynamical Behavior of FitzHugh–Nagumo Systems with Invariant Algebraic Surfaces
Zhang, Liwei |
20 |
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8 |
Global Effect of Non-Conservative Perturbations on Homoclinic Orbits
Gidea, Marian |
20 |
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9 |
Gromov’s Amenable Localization and Geodesic Flows
Katz, Gabriel |
20 |
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10 |
Keplerian Orbits Through the Conley–Zehnder Index
Kavle, Henry |
20 |
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11 |
Linear Stability Conditions for a First Order n-Dimensional Mapping
Luís, Rafael |
20 |
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12 |
On the Lefschetz Zeta Function for a Class of Toral Maps
Berrizbeitia, Pedro |
20 |
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13 |
On the Number of Limit Cycles in General Planar Piecewise Linear Differential Systems with Two Zones Having Two Real Equilibria
Huan, Song-Mei |
20 |
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14 |
Persistence of Degenerate Lower Dimensional Invariant Tori in Reversible Systems with Bruno Non-degeneracy Conditions
Yang, Xiaomei |
20 |
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15 |
Phase Portraits of Random Planar Homogeneous Vector Fields
Cima, Anna |
20 |
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16 |
Polynomial Entropy for Interval Maps and Lap Number
Gomes, José Barbosa |
20 |
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17 |
Some Notes on Topological and Measure-Theoretic Entropy
Wang, Tao |
20 |
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18 |
Steady Euler Flows on the 3-Sphere and Other Sasakian 3-Manifolds
Slobodeanu, Radu |
20 |
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19 |
The Existence of Aubry–Mather sets for the Fermi–Ulam Model
Cao, Zhenbang |
20 |
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20 |
Topological Classifications for a Class of 2-dimensional Quadratic Mappings and an Application to Iterative Roots
Yu, Zhiheng |
20 |
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21 |
Travelling Wave Solutions of the General Regularized Long Wave Equation
Zheng, Hang |
20 |
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22 |
Two Action-Angle Surprises on the Sphere
Bates, Larry |
20 |
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