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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A new classification of planar homogeneous quadratic systems Boularas, Driss

2 1 p. 93-110
2 Center and composition conditions for Abel differential equation, and rational curves Blinov, Michael

2 1 p. 111-127
3 Extension of Bautin theory to any dimension Françoise, Jean-Pierre

2 1 p. 145-150
4 Finite cyclicity of finite codimension nondegerate homoclinic loops with real eigenvalues in ℝ3 Guimond, Louis-Sébastein

2 1 p. 151-204
5 Markov type inequality for functional determinants Roytvarf, Nina

2 1 p. 79-92
6 Melnikov functions and Bautin ideal Roussarie, Robert

2 1 p. 67-78
7 On the geometry in the neighborhood of infinity of quadratic differential systems with a weak focus Schlomiuk, Dana

2 1 p. 1-43
8 Periodic planar systems without periodic solutions Żołądek, Henryk

2 1 p. 45-60
9 Rotation rate of a trajectory of an algebraic vector field around an algebraic curve Grigoriev, Alexei

2 1 p. 61-66
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland