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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Characterization of Multiplicity-Preserving Global Bifurcations of Complex Polynomial Vector Fields Dias, Kealey

19 3 artikel
2 A Rigidity Property of Perturbations of n Identical Harmonic Oscillators Villarini, Massimo

19 3 artikel
3 Continuous Wong–Zakai Approximations of Random Attractors for Quasi-linear Equations with Nonlinear Noise Li, Yangrong

19 3 artikel
4 Ergodicities of Infinite Dimensional Nonlinear Stochastic Operators Mukhamedov, Farrukh

19 3 artikel
5 Geometric Quantization of the 1 : 1 Oscillator Cushman, Richard

19 3 artikel
6 Globally Asymptotically Stable Equilibrium Points in Kukles Systems Dias, Fabio Scalco

19 3 artikel
7 Limit Cycle Bifurcations in Perturbations of a Reversible Quadratic System with a Non-rational First Integral Xiong, Yanqin

19 3 artikel
8 Long-Time Behavior of Non-Autonomous FitzHugh–Nagumo Lattice Systems Wannan, Rania T.

19 3 artikel
9 Nondegeneracy and Uniqueness of Periodic Solution for a Neutral Differential Equation Cheng, Zhibo

19 3 artikel
10 On a Family of Non-Volterra Quadratic Operators Acting on a Simplex Jamilov, Uygun

19 3 artikel
11 On the Bielecki–Ulam’s Type Stability Results of First Order Non-linear Impulsive Delay Dynamic Systems on Time Scales Shah, Syed Omar

19 3 artikel
12 On the existence of the Hutchinson measure for generalized iterated function systems Strobin, Filip

19 3 artikel
13 On the Singularities of the Planar Cubic Polynomial Differential Systems and the Euler Jacobi Formula Llibre, Jaume

19 3 artikel
14 On the Universal Unfolding of Vector Fields in One Variable: A Proof of Kostov’s Theorem Klimeš, Martin

19 3 artikel
15 Partially Periodic Point Free Self-Maps on Product of Spheres and Lie Groups Sirvent, Víctor F.

19 3 artikel
16 Periodic Solutions of Discontinuous Duffing Equations Jiang, Fangfang

19 3 artikel
17 Perturbed Nonlocal Stochastic Functional Differential Equations Zhang, Qi

19 3 artikel
18 Positive Periodic Solutions of Coupled Singular Rayleigh Systems Kong, Fanchao

19 3 artikel
19 Quasi-Periodic Solution of Nonlinear Beam Equation on Td with Forced Frequencies Zhou, Shidi

19 3 artikel
20 Solitary Waves and Periodic Waves in a Perturbed KdV Equation Li, Hong

19 3 artikel
21 Spatiotemporal Dynamics in a Diffusive Bacterial and Viral Diseases Propagation Model with Chemotaxis Tang, Xiaosong

19 3 artikel
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland