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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Comparative Analysis of the Adsorption Properties and Porous Structure of an ASD-4 Powder Impregnated with Copper Formate in Different Concentrations Ryabina, A. V.

59 1 p. 19-24
2 Adsorption–Catalytic Deformation in the Synthesis of Hydrogenation Catalysts Afineevsky, A. V.

59 1 p. 1-6
3 Adsorption of Methane onto Microporous Activated Carbon in a Volumetric Storage System Pribylov, A. A.

59 1 p. 14-18
4 Application of the Random Forest Algorithm of Corrosion Losses of Aluminum for the First Year of Exposure in Various Regions of the World Gavryushina, M. A.

59 1 p. 85-95
5 Electrochemical Formation of “Al–Ni” Composite Coatings from Aluminum Suspension in an Electrolyte Based on a Deep Eutectic Solvent Adilova, S. S.

59 1 p. 68-70
6 Heating of Particles with an Aluminum Core and a Hydroxide Shell Shaitura, N. S.

59 1 p. 57-67
7 Increasing the Adsorption Activity of Natural Aluminosilicate by Modification with Hydrochloric Acid and Organosilicon Thiosemicarbazide Filatova, E. G.

59 1 p. 7-13
8 Morphology and Particle Size Distribution of Sulfonated Сarbon Black Knyazheva, O. A.

59 1 p. 42-49
9 Preparation of Chitosan–Graphite-Like Carbon-Nitride Biocoatings on AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Kasach, A. A.

59 1 p. 32-41
10 Sorption Properties of Freshly Precipitated Iron(III) Hydroxide toward Nickel Ions. Part 2. Structure and Composition of Iron(III) Hydroxide Precipitates Linnikov, O. D.

59 1 p. 25-31
11 Structure and Properties of Ti–C–Ni–Al Wear-Resistant Coatings Obtained by HIPIMS Method Zasypkin, M. A.

59 1 p. 76-84
12 The Effect of Aluminum-Oxide Powders on the Structure and Properties of Copper Electrodeposited Composite Coatings Volkova, I. R.

59 1 p. 71-75
13 The Influence of the Size of Active Filler Particles (Ionite KU 2-8 in Nickel Form) on the Moisture Sensitivity of a Touch Film Petrov, N. N.

59 1 p. 50-56
14 The 80th Birthday of Academician Aslan Yusupovich Tsivadze ,

59 1 p. 96-98
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland